Database Validation Properties Window - Options Tab

Use this tab to set options that control the timing and behavior of database validations.


Controls the timing of the database validation.

  • Document preprocess: Validations occur once the document-level variables have been set.

    • All index data for the document is loaded

    • Sticky option takes effect, if applicable

    • Kofax Capture Values are expanded

  • Field preprocess: Validations occur when you move to an index field in the Validation module. After all the validations with this trigger are run, validation scripts with the PreFieldName attribute are run. Finally, the value for the field is displayed.
  • Field post-process: Validations occur when you modify and then move out of an index field in the Validation module. All the validations are run in the order specified in the Database Validation window. After all the validations with this trigger are run, the validation script with the PostFieldName attribute is run. Next, the system performs any required field checks.

    Note If Validate data entry input, even if value does not change is not set in the Batch Class Properties - Advanced tab, and the user is revalidating a document, the post-processing does not occur unless the contents of the field change.
  • Document post-process: Validations occur when you exit a document and save it. All the validations are run in the order specified in the Database Validation window. After all the validations with this trigger are run, the associated validation script's KfxDocPostProcess function is run.

  • Script-driven: Validations occur once a validation script is run.

No Match Behavior

Governs the behavior of a database validation when there is no match in the lookup database.

  • Remain on field: Processing is stopped and the focus remains on the current field; error message appears.

  • Continue: Continue processing as if the database validation feature is disabled. No index fields are modified by the database validation feature.

Multiple Match Behavior

Governs the behavior of a database validation when there is more than one match in the lookup database. When there is more than one match, the Multiple Matches Found window (if enabled) allows you to select which one to use.

  • Remain on field

  • Continue

  • Allow user to choose match interactively


Use these check boxes to set additional operating parameters for a database validation.

  • Never overwrite fields already containing data

  • Perform database validation in Verification module

  • Always send batch to Quality Control after fatal database validation error