Group Profile Properties Window - General Tab

Use this tab to create and edit group profiles.

By default, a group profile called (Everyone) is built in to your Kofax Capture installation.

Related Tabs


Enter a name for the group. The field length maximum is 32 characters, and the entry is not case-sensitive. The entry is required.


Enter descriptive text such as Scan station operators to describe the members of the group. The maximum length is 80 characters. The entry is not required.

Time out after inactivity in minute(s)

Select this check box if you want group members to be logged out of Kofax Capture automatically after a specified period of inactivity. Then set the number of minutes that should elapse before the automatic logout occurs. The maximum value is 1440 minutes (24 hours). The default setting of 3 minutes for a new group profile is inherited from the Everyone group; if you change the default setting, it overrides the value set for the Everyone group.

Before the automatic logout occurs, a reminder message appears. If user activity is resumed before the specified time out interval, the working session is extended and the automatic logout does not occur.

If a user belongs to multiple groups, the maximum timeout value specified for any of the groups is applied.

Note The timeout setting for a user profile overrides the timeout setting for any group profile that includes the same user.

The timeout setting applies to any Kofax Capture module that the group member is running, along with the Separator Sheet Utility, Report Viewer, XML Import Connector, and the Database Utility. The timeout setting does not affect modules running as services or the Kofax License Utility.

Allow Administration module access

Select this check box if you want the group to have access to the Administration module.

Allow user profile management

Allows or restricts user and group access to user profiles.

Allow admin utility usage

Allows the group members to access the Kofax Capture.

Allow batch editing in Validation and Verification

Allows the group to edit batches in the Validation and Verification modules.

Selecting this option only gives editing rights to the group members. To actually enable batch editing for the Validation and/or Verification modules, you must also enable the Allow batch editing option for those modules from the Validation/Verification Properties window. To access the Validation/Verification window, select Validation or Verification from the Selected Queues list from the Batch Class Properties - Queues tab and click Properties.

Allow Batch Manager to edit batches that were granted access rights by a Custom Workflow Agent

Allows group members to edit batch properties for batches that were assigned access rights by a custom workflow agent.

Allow Report Viewer module access

Allows the user to access the Report Viewer. The Administrator is permitted to access the Report Viewer module by default.

Allow selecting separation method at scan time

Select the check box to allow the scan operator to use the Create Batch window to select a separation method that overrides the one set for the batch class definition. The list of available separation methods on the Create Batch window includes only those that can be applied at scan time.

If this check box is not selected, the separation profile selections are not available to the scan operator from the Create Batch window, and the separation method associated with the batch class definition is applied.

Allow modification of RSA compression settings

Select the check box to allow access to the Image Compression and XML Compression settings on the Remote Site tab in Batch Manager. If this check box is not selected, these settings are not available in Batch Manager.

Allow RSA to run interactively

Select the check box to run the Remote Synchronization Agent (RSA) interactively at remote sites. If this check box is not selected, the RSA is run only as a service, and the Activate RSA button in Batch Manager is not available.

Allow modification of Scanner Profiles

Select the check box to give the group access to scanner profile and source settings. If this check box is not selected, the scanner profile and source settings in the Administration, Scan, Quality Control, or custom scan modules are not available for editing.