Configuring the Download Folder and Number of Emails Per Download

If you do not specify a value, Email Import Connector downloads all available emails at one time to the default MailStore folder location. To change the number of emails per download or the MailStore folder location, edit the following attributes in the ACEIConfig.xml file.

  • DownloadFolder: The default value is an empty string that indicates that email is stored in the default MailStore folder location. You can specify a different folder by replacing the empty string with a valid Windows folder path (UNC paths are supported).

  • EmailsPerDownload: The default value is zero, which indicates that all messages are downloaded at one time. You can specify a different value to adjust email import to your network's operating efficiency. If frequent retries are required to download messages, change the setting to download messages in smaller groups. For example, due to network conditions, the email import service may not be able to download the entire mail store of 1000 messages, but it can successfully download 100 messages at a time. In this case, you can specify 100 as the value.

Sample ACEIConfig.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

<!DOCTYPE ACEIConfiguration PUBLIC "ACEIConfig.dtd" "ACEIConfig.dtd"[]>

<ACEIConfiguration AscentCaptureUser="" AscentCapturePassword="" NotifyAdmin="True" NotifySender="False" 

AdministratorEmail="" MailServer="999.99.9.999" MailPort="25" 

RequireAuthentication="False" MailAccount="" MailPassword="" UseSSL="False" EmailPerBatch="3" 

DataSetByUser="True" NotifyAdminWithOriginalEmail="False"

DownloadFolder="\\MyComputer\CaptureSV\ACEI\MailDownload" EmailsPerDownload="100">
   <ACEIMailbox MailAccount="" MailProtocol="POP3" MailboxName="My test mailbox"

   UseSSL="False" MailServer="999.99.9.999" TimeInterval="60" MailPassword="JWn/dLVvSWFsec03" 

   MailPort="110" MailboxGUID="204b0361-5334-407a-9c09-b6125c19a126"> 

     <BatchClass DocumentClassName="Catalog Orders" BatchClassName="Order Forms" 

     FormTypeName="Northwest Order Forms"> <IndexFields/> 





  1. Open a text editor, such as Notepad.
  2. Navigate to <Kofax Capture installation folder>\ ACEI.
  3. Open ACEIConfig.xml.
  4. Edit the file.
  5. Save the file.