Database Utility - Repair and Compact Tab

Use this tab to repair and compact selected Kofax Capture databases.

Repairing restores the internal consistency of a database. Compacting permanently removes records marked as deleted, reorganizes the contents of the database, and may save some disk space.

If you select Oracle or IBM DB2 as your database configuration, the Database Utility Repair and Compact tab is disabled.

Repairing first, and then compacting a database typically produces the best results.

Note Be sure to stop all Kofax Capture modules, including unattended modules, before repairing or compacting a database; otherwise, an error occurs.


Select a database type.


Displays the system, published, and batch databases.


Displays the main Kofax Capture database and the PubTypes template. The Kofax Capture database includes the Batch Catalog, KCN Server data (if applicable), and statistics. The PubTypes Template is the database used for publishing databases.


Displays the batches in progress database. There is one entry in the list for each batch in progress.


Lists the name of the database.


Lists the name of the database.

  • S: Indicates System

  • B: Indicates Batch


Lists the location of the database.

Select All button
Selects all items on the list.
Deselect All button
Clears all items on the list.
Repair button

Click the button to repair the selected databases.

Repairing restores the internal consistency of each database. For example, there may be missing or corrupt information regarding the structure or a component of the database.

Compact button
Click this button to compact the selected databases. Compacting permanently removes records marked as deleted, reorganizes the contents of the database, and may save some disk space.

Total Items

Displays the total number of databases in the system.

  • S: Indicates System

  • B: Indicates Batch

Selected Items

Displays the number of items you have selected.