KCN Server Remote Site Profiles Window - Assigned Batch Classes Tab

Use this tab to assign batch classes to a remote site profile. Remote sites using the profile can access the assigned batch classes.


Lists the names of the remote site profiles available for selection.

All batch classes

Allows remote sites assigned the profile to download all published batch classes. If you select this option, you cannot select from the batch classes in the Available list.

Selected batch classes

Makes the list of all published and unpublished batch classes available to you. You can then assign specific batch classes to the remote site profile. This limits remote sites to using specific batch classes, and prevents remote users from selecting inappropriate batch classes for their sites.

Unpublished batch classes cannot be used by the remote sites.

If you select this option but do not assign any batch classes, the remote sites that share the profile are unable to download any batch classes.


Lists all available batch classes sorted in ascending alphabetical order. You can select more than one batch class from the list.

To assign an available batch class to the remote site profile, select a batch class, and then click Add. Or, you can double-click the batch class name to assign it.


This list contains two columns:

  • Batch Class: Lists the batch classes assigned to the selected remote site profile sorted in ascending alphabetical order.

  • Batch Routing: Usually, this column is empty. However, to override the specified routing for batches based on the selected batch class, click Override Batch Routing.

If you override batch routing, this column is updated to display Overridden. Kofax Capture Network Server then routes the batch in accordance with the rules currently in effect.


Moves the selected batch class to the Assigned list. Or, you can double-click the batch class name.

Add All

Moves all batch classes to the Assigned list.


Moves the selected batch class back to the Available list. Or, you can double-click the batch class name.

Remove All

Moves all batch classes back to the Available list. No batch classes are assigned to the remote sites sharing this profile.

Override Batch Routing

Displays the Override Batch Routing window.

Batch Class Description

If applicable, displays the description of the selected batch class.