Scan Properties Window - Endorsing Tab

Use this tab to select endorsing preferences for the Scan module.

Related Tab

The properties available on this window reflect the options supported by Kofax Capture, and not the options supported by the source device used to process the batch. The endorsing properties you select here are validated for the source device when the batch is created from the Scan module or Batch Manager. If any property is not supported, a warning is displayed to the scan operator.

Prefix text

Enter a prefix for the endorser/annotation string. You can enter any length string from 1 to the maximum length supported by the source device.

Tip You can use this field to add almost any type of prefix to your endorsement text. See Using Endorser Prefixes in the Kofax Capture Administrator's Guide.

Values button

Selects a Kofax Value or a batch field.

Endorsing enabled

Enables endorsing.

Annotation enabled

Enables annotations.

Counter digits

Select the number of digits for the automatic counter. You can select from 1 to 32 digits. This option is unavailable if Counter Increment Off is checked. If you set a number greater than the maximum supported by the scanner, a warning is issued when you scan in the Scan or Quality Control modules.

Text Offsets

Enter or specify the top and left position on the page for the endorser/annotation text. Not all scanners support text offsets.


Select or enter the top offset.


Select or enter the left offset.

Font Settings

These settings are used for annotation text only.


Select or enter a type size for your annotation text.


Select the orientation for your annotation text.

Some scanners do not support rotating the endorser text, or only support certain orientations. If you select an orientation not supported by your scanner, an error message is issued at scan time.

Counter Patch Code Control

These settings are only available if you enable incrementing and/or resetting the counter after a patch code.

Patch code left offset (inches)

Enter a left offset for the patch code (in inches). The value you enter provides Kofax Capture a starting point for searching for a patch code, which could improve performance. If you enter 0, Kofax Capture searches anywhere in the horizontal direction for the patch code.

Note To determine the appropriate value, use one of the documents you intend to scan. Measure from the left edge of the document to a point near the middle of the patch code.

Skip first patch code

Select this check box to skip the first patch code detected. For example, suppose you are incrementing your counter after a Patch Type II is detected. If this option is enabled, the first Patch Type II detected for the batch has no effect on the counter. The next Patch Type II and each Patch Type II thereafter increments the counter.

This option applies to incrementing and resetting the counter.

Counter Increment

Use these options to specify how the automatic counter is to be incremented.


Enter the increment value for the counter. For example, enter 1 to increment the counter by one whenever the value of the counter changes.


Select this option to disable the counter increment feature. The value of the counter remains the same for the entire batch.

After x pages

Enter the number of pages that must be processed before the counter is incremented. For example, enter 5 to increment the counter after five pages are processed.

After x patch code

Select the patch code type used to increment the counter. For example, select Patch Type I to increment the counter whenever a Patch Type I patch code is detected.

Counter Reset

Use these options to specify how the automatic counter is to be reset.


Specify the reset value for the counter. For example, enter 10 to reset the counter to 10 whenever the counter is reset.


Select this option to turn off the counter reset feature.

After x page(s)

Enter the number of pages that must be processed before the counter is reset. For example, enter 5 to reset the counter after five pages are processed.

After x patch code

Select the patch code type used to reset the counter. For example, select Patch Type II to reset the counter whenever a Patch Type II patch code is detected.