Application languages

Use this dialog box to add application languages to the Application Language list. The list is populated with the currently available application languages arranged in two columns. To access the dialog box, selectFile > Options > Startup, and click Add Languages.

  • Language: Name of the language.
  • Status: Lists the current status of the language:
    • Installed: Language is already installed.

    • Available: Language is not yet installed on this computer, but available for download and installation.

    • Downloading: Language download is in progress after installation is initiated.

    • Installing: Language download is finished but the installation is still in progress.

    • Failed to download: Language download is not successful.

    • Failed to install: Language installation is not successful.

Select the desired language, and then click Add to start the download and the installation. Windows requires the user to have administrative rights on the computer and prompts for confirmation.

Click Close to return to the Options page, where you can select the new language from the Application language list.