Full View

Convert Assistant has a title bar, a menu bar, a toolbar, a left and a right panel in Full View. This view is recommended if you want full control over conversion and want to process several files at the same time.

See About the Convert AssistantToolbar for a summary of its tools.

  • Hover the cursor over a file name in the file list to see the input and output file names with their full path and the text of status messages if any.

  • Other views are Left View and Quick View. In Quick View, restore Full View by selecting View > Quick View again.

The left panel

The left panel varies, depending on the user actions. After starting Convert Assistant, it displays an empty sheet with an eye. The panel serves for displaying the Preview panel, the four processing mode panels (Standard Document, Legal, Spreadsheet and Form) and the Output Options panel. Click a button or use the View menu to change the contents of this left panel.

Other views are Left View and Quick View. In Quick View, restore Full View by selecting View > Quick View again.

You can drag-and-drop files onto the Preview panel or the file list. They will be inserted or appended to the list according to the drop position.

The right panel

The right panel is the Information panel. When Convert Assistant is started, this panel is empty. After opening one or more source files it contains a file list with file names of the source files to be converted, along with the page range, if any. This Information panel provides an overview of the status of files after opening, and also after conversion.

The first three icons in the table below relate to file loading, the last three to file conversion and saving.

Status Description
Status OK icon The source file was successfully opened without any warning.
Status output file Exists warning icon

The source file was opened with a warning: "The output file already exists". You can decide to let the program add numerical suffixes to the output filename, or overwrite it.

A warning message will only appear if the Prompt for overwrite option is enabled.

Status output file exists warning icon The output file cannot be generated, the file will not be converted because of write protection.
Status successful conversion icon The source file was successfully converted without warning.
Source file conversion warning icon The source file conversion ended with a warning.
Conversion failed icon Conversion failed. No result.