Edit page contents

Use the following options to edit the contents of a page:

Select Text

Select icon

  1. Click Select tool on the Panel bar, and then select a block of text.
  2. When the toolbar appears, click Copy.

    The text is copied to the Clipboard.

  3. Right-click to open a context menu.

    Then you can highlight or underline it, cross it out, mark places for text insertions or replacements, insert a hyperlink or note, turn it into a bookmark, or search for the first word in the selection.

Select an image or an area

Select Area icon
  1. Select Edit > Basic > Select Area.
  2. Draw a rectangle around an image or area.
  3. Right-click to open the context menu. The commands related to zones do not change the PDF content but mark the area for further processing, such as OCR or conversion to Office formats.
    • Copy

    • Create Stamp

    • Convert Area

    • Define Text Zone: Marks the area as a text zone, submitting it to OCR.

    • Define Table Zone: Marks the area as a table zone.

    • Define Graphic Zone: Marks the area as a graphic zone that is not submitted to the OCR process.

    • Define Ignore Zone: Marks the area that is excluded from the output.

    • Clear Zone: Removes the selected zone.

    • Clear All Zones: Removes all zones.

    • Create Link

    • Print

Copy and paste text or an image

The Cut, Copy and Paste commands may not be available if a PDF document is password-protected against copying.

  1. Select Edit > Copy, or select Copy from a shortcut menu to copy selected text or image.
  2. Select Paste in an open document in another application (such as Microsoft Office).

    Copied text can also be pasted into comments or onto a typewriter tool cursor.

    The font is substituted if text copied from a PDF document uses fonts not available on the destination computer.

Insert clip art

Clip Art icon
  1. Use the Clip Art panel to insert, rename or delete clip art.

    You can insert both predefined and custom clip art. Clip art is grouped in categories.

  2. Optionally, click Create in the Clip Art panel to convert an image to clip art.

    When creating a custom clip, most standard image formats are supported, including .jpg, .bmp, .gif, and more.

Add an image file

Edit Object icon Image Add icon
  1. Select Edit > Edit Object.
  2. Right-click the document and select Place Image.
  3. Select a file type (such as .jpg, .bmp, .gif) and an image, and click OK.

    The image is placed at the center of the page.

  4. Use the Place Image tool to move the image to another position.
  5. Optionally copy the image, save it, or add a transparency effect.

Edit object

Edit Object icon

Use the Edit Object tool to make changes to images or other objects.Use the Edit tool to make changes to text, images, or other objects.

Select an object with this tool, and then do one of the following:

  • Drag the mouse pointer to move an object to a new location.
  • Drag the scale handles to resize an object.
  • Drag the handler to rotate an object. To get the rotate pointer shape, click the red circle above the object. Drag it in the desired direction. While dragging, the cursor shape will change again. You can also use the shortcut menu to rotate an object.

Select more than one object, and then use the shortcut menu to:

  • Group or UnGroup objects.

  • Reorder objects with the Bring to Top or Send to Back commands.

Edit text

Edit Text icon
  1. Select Edit > Modify > Edit Text.
  2. Click a block of text in a searchable PDF.

    To modify text in an image-only PDF, first make it searchable (Home > Convert > Make PDF Searchable).

    A bounding box outlines the text area where you can perform edit actions.

  3. Edit the text as you would in a standard text editor.
    • Type new text to replace the selected text.

    • Right-click the text to display a shortcut menu with commands related to the clipboard and spelling.

    • On your keyboard, press Delete or Backspace to remove the text.

    • To deselect the text and start over, click outside the selection.

    A confirmation message may appear if font substitution is necessary.

  4. Optionally, select a block of text and use the context-sensitive Text Format toolbar to alter font, paragraph, and positioning settings, and to search and replace phrases in the document. See Text Format tab for details.

To add new text to a blank area on a PDF page, use the Typewriter tool. Use the Text Box tool to add text as an annotation.

You can use the Edit Object tool to modify embedded pictures and other objects.

Add text using the Typewriter tool

Typewriter icon
  1. Select Edit > Typewriter.
  2. Click anywhere on a PDF page.

    The typewriter text cursor appears at the selected position.

  3. Type and edit the text as you would in a standard text editor.
  4. Optionally, use the context-sensitive TypeWriter Format toolbar to alter font and paragraph settings. See TypeWriter Format tab for details.

When the PDF is saved, the entered text is converted to selectable objects, unlike text entered as annotations with the Text Box tool. Until the PDF is saved, spell checking can be run on the entered text.

For a comparison of Typewriter text and Text Box text, see "Text boxes and text editing".