Destination Settings

This dialog box appears if you:

  • Click the Saving button in Create Assistant.

  • Click Query file name or the currently selected target in the File Explorer shortcut menu.

  • Right-click the application icon in the Windows notification area and select Edit Destination Settings from the shortcut menu.

The delivery default target is Query the file name. Additional options include:
  • Save results in source folder: The resulting PDF file is saved in the same folder where the source file resides.

  • Save results in specified folder: The resulting PDF file is saved in the folder you specify. Click Browse to select a folder.

  • Send results as e-mail attachment only:The resulting PDF file is sent as an attachment and it is not saved.

  • Save to DMS: The resulting PDF is saved to an availableCloud storage sites or to an available Document Management System. Saving to DMS other than SharePoint is available only if the client software of the DMS is properly installed on the client machine. For information on DMS support, refer to the System Requirements topic.


Use the Browse button to search for a destination folder. Select a folder in the Browse for folder dialog box and click OK. The selected folder name is displayed in the Folder box. The Browse button is available only if Save results in specified folder is selected in the Target selection box.

If File Exists
The delivery default selection is Query the file name. The Save As dialog box appears if the target file name already exists.
  • Replace existing file: The new PDF document replaces the existing file.

  • Auto-rename the resulting file: The new PDF file name uses the target file name followed by a sequential number.

Send as Email
Select this check box to send a copy of the resulting PDF file as an email attachment.
View Resulting PDF
Select this option to view the PDF file. (Default)
Delete Source Files
Delete the input files if creation succeeded. By default, this option is cleared. When selected, a confirmation prompt appears

When creating PDF files through the Print menu item, similar destination options are available in the PDF Settings panel of the Kofax PDF Create properties dialog box. See Destination controls.