Comment format tab

Select one or more annotation, markup, or drawing objects with the Hand tool or Select tool to activate the Comment Format tab. This tab offers the settings also found in object properties dialog boxes. To see how to handle object settings in properties dialog boxes, see Annotation and Markup Object Properties.

The tab consists of various setting groups and commands, displaying only the ones applicable to the selected object types. Depending on the type of the object(s) your selected, the tab name also vary:

  • Drawing Tool

  • Cross-out Tool

  • Underline Tool

  • Freetext Tool

  • Caret Tool

  • Highlight Tool

  • Highlight Area Tool

Neither default size nor default author can be changed on the Comment Format ribbon. For details see Changing Default Annotation and Markup Object Properties.

Font group

Provides basic controls for font settings of the selected text. See Font Group for details.

This group is active with the following kind of objects:

  • Text Box

  • Callout

Paragraph group

Provides controls for alignment settings of the selected paragraph(s). See Paragraph Group for details.

This group is active with the following kind of objects:

  • Text Box

  • Callout

Color Style group

Provides controls for color settings of the selected object(s). The group consists of various tools, displaying only the ones applicable to the selected kind of object(s).

  • Color Style – Click More to drop down the palette. Select from the predefined border and/or fill color combinations. Border and fill colors can be adjusted separately with the Color and Fill Color tools detailed below.Color Style samples

  • Color: Represents the border color of the object. Click the arrow to drop down the color palette with theme colors and standard colors. Select a color, or click More Colors to open the Colors dialog box featuring advanced palettes and a color picker.
  • Fill Color: Represents the fill (background) color of the object. Click the arrow to drop down the color palette with theme colors and standard colors. Select a color, or click More Colors to open the Colors dialog box featuring advanced palettes and a color picker.

This group is active with the following kind of objects:

  • Text box

  • Callout

  • Highlight

  • Highlight Area

  • Cross-out

  • Underline

  • Line

  • Arrow

  • Rectangle

  • Oval

  • Polygon

  • Pencil

  • Polygon Line

  • Cloud

Shape Style group

Provides controls for line style and opacity settings of the selected object(s). The group consists of various tools, displaying only the ones applicable to the selected kind of object(s). For Note objects, the title changes to Note Tool.

  • Icon Type (for Note objects only): Click the arrow to drop down the list of available icons, and then select one.

  • Color: Represents the line color of the object. Click the arrow to drop down the color palette with theme colors and standard colors. Select a color, or click More Colors to open the Colors dialog box featuring advanced palettes and a color picker.

  • Line Width: Click the arrow to drop down the list of line widths (1-12 pt), and then select one.

  • Dash Type: Click the arrow to drop down the list of line stye (such as dashed, dotted) and then select one.Dash Type drop-down list

  • Start of line: Click the arrow to drop down the list of arrowheads, and then select one for the starting point of the line.Arrowheads drop-down list

  • End of line: Click the arrow to drop down the list of arrowheads, and then select one for the terminating point of the line.

  • Opacity: Adjust the slider to change the opacity of the selected object(s).

    • Move the slider to the left (-) to turn the object less opaque (more transparent).

    • Move the slider to the right (+) to make it more opaque (less transparent).

This group is active with the following kind of objects:

  • Note

  • Text box

  • Callout

  • Highlight Area

  • Cross-out

  • Underline

  • Line

  • Arrow

  • Rectangle

  • Oval

  • Polygon

  • Pencil

  • Polygon Line

  • Cloud

Set group

  • Set Default: Click to save the current text and object settings as default. A confirmation message displays.

    • All settings currently accessible on the Comment Format ribbon will be used as default.

    • Object Color, Fill Color, Line Width, Dash Type and opacity defaults are handled separately for object types. For example, a new Text box may look different, than a new Callout.

    • Font and paragraph settings defaults are handled globally. Changing the default font settings for a Callout results in the same font appearing in a newly created Text Box.

    This group is active with the following kind of objects:

  • Text Box

  • Callout