Headers and Footers

You can add textual information to appear along the top or bottom of your PDF pages in one or more PDF documents. Text for the top area is a header, and for the bottom area it is a footer. The text can be left- or right-aligned or centered; it appears in a font, size, style and color you can define. A page range can be applied to exclude the header or footer from certain pages. Text can be user-defined or pre-defined, such as a page number, date, author, title, or other.

Headers and Footers icon To place headers and/or footers, click Edit > Headers and Footers, and then select Add, Update, or Remove from the menu:

  • Select Add to display the Add Header and Footer dialog box. You can specify the appearance, content, page range for headers and/or footers. Insert macros such as Date, Page Number, or document-specific data such as Author, Created Date to fill in different fields within headers and footers. Follow your operations step-by-step in the Preview area to make sure there is sufficient clear area on every page to receive the header and/or footer. Modify margin settings if necessary. In the Schemes area, click Create to save current settings as a re-usable pattern. Click OK to apply these settings to the current PDF or Apply to Multiple to select further PDF files to receive the header or footer.

  • Select Update to display the Add Header and Footer dialog box. Use this option to place currently valid values (such as date and time) into different fields of headers or footers or after some changes have taken place in your document: pages inserted, extracted, replaced and more. Modify current settings for the header and/or footer in the Add Header and Footer dialog box. Save new settings under another name by clicking Create. Such update applies to the current document only.

  • Select Remove to clear headers and footers after a confirmation.

  • Advanced Edit mode uses different headers and footers. For details, see Header & Footer tab.

  • To save your settings to a reusable scheme, you must click Create before clicking OK or Apply to Multiple.

  • The program may not be able to recognize and manage headers and footers generated by other applications.

  • Headers and footers are text-type objects, so they can be used, fully or partly, as attributes in operations, for example:

  • With Power PDF Advanced, a Bates Number can also be added by an Add Header and Footer operation if saved in a Scheme. When this dialog box is accessed from a Bates Numbering command, a Bates Number becomes the default macro. A header/footer with a Bates number cannot be updated or removed; it can be altered only via the Bates Numbering controls.