Use Kofax SignDoc

Kofax SignDoc icon Kofax SignDoc integration is available with the Power PDF Advanced feature set.

Use SignDoc integration to either send a document via SignDoc or sign a document using a compatible signing pad, webcam, click-to-sign, or a signature image file. Power PDF supports SignDoc package and template editing via the SignDoc WEB app running on integrated browser pages. Moreover, you can open a template with Power PDF and update the included documents without losing any fields and properties.

Sending requires a SignDoc account.

Before sending any document for signing, you should provide a SignDoc server URL and credentials as described in Prepare SignDoc server URL and credentials. After that, you are ready to build a SignDoc package from the active document with recipients and fields and send it via SignDoc.

The SignDoc server is shipped with a self-signed SignDoc certificate, which cannot be used as a trusted root. See Prepare to use an authorized certificate with SignDoc to add a trusted certificate.

Prepare to use an authorized certificate with SignDoc

To use an authorized certificate when using SignDoc in Power PDF:

  1. Obtain your certificate from a CA (Certification Authority).
  2. Configure the SignDoc server to use your own certificate for signing. For configuration, refer to the SignDoc server documentation.
  3. Add the root certificate to the Windows Certificate Store on your computer running Power PDF.
  4. Go to File > Options > Signature > Signature and click More under Verification.

    The Signature Verification dialog box appears.

  5. Under Windows Integration, select the following check boxes:
    • Validating Signatures

    • Validating Certified Documents

    As an alternative, you can add the root certificate to the Trusted Identities list at Security > IDs and Certificates > Trusted Identities. It is important to set it as the trusted root.

  6. Click OK in the dialog boxes to close them.

Your can now add signatures with this certificate in SignDoc.

Prepare SignDoc server URL and credentials

This is a one-time only operation, which you should repeat only if:

  • You reinstalled Power PDF and application settings.

  • Server URL or credentials changed.

  1. Open the document to sign.

    SignDoc always works with the active document.

  2. Click SignDoc in the Sign and Certify group on the Security tab.
  3. Select Send via Kofax SignDoc from the list.
    The Send via Kofax SignDoc panel appears.
  4. Click SignDoc options (SignDoc options) on the panel toolbar.

    The SignDoc options dialog box appears.

  5. In the Server URL box, type the server URL.

    The URL consists of a protocol scheme (such as http://), a SignDoc service base path, a port number, and the "/cirrus" suffix.

  6. Optionally, click Forget current user to clear the credentials used previously to log in.
  7. Click OK.

    Power PDF Advanced verifies the URL and saves it for permanent use if it works. If the URL does not respond, an error message appears at the bottom of the dialog box in red, and the dialog box remains open. You can edit the URL and try again.

  8. Optionally, click Sign in to SignDoc (Sign in to SignDoc icon) on the panel toolbar. The Sign in dialog box appears.

    If you omit this step, the Login to Kofax SignDoc WEB app dialog box prompts for your credentials when you proceed with any of the following:

    • Click Send package to recipients on the SignDoc panel.
    • Click Security > Sign and Certify > SignDoc > Open from template on the ribbon.
    • Click Security > Sign and Certify > SignDoc > Send with template on the ribbon.

    The rest of the steps apply to both sign-in dialog boxes.

  9. In the Account id box, type your Kofax SignDoc account ID.
  10. In the User id or email address box, type the ID or email assigned to your user.
  11. Type the user password in the Password box.
    1. Optionally, select the Show check box to display the unmasked password.
  12. Click Sign in.

    Power PDF Advanced verifies the credentials and saves them for permanent use if they work. If credentials are not valid, an error message appears in red at the bottom of the dialog box, which remains open. You can edit the credentials and try again.

    The Login to Kofax SignDoc WEB app dialog box saves no credentials but only session data cleared with the close of Power PDF Advanced.

Send a document through SignDoc

This feature requires a valid Kofax SignDoc account and Internet connection.

Before sending any document for signing, you should provide a SignDoc server URL and credentials as described in Prepare SignDoc server URL and credentials. After that, you are ready to build a SignDoc package from the active document with recipients and fields and send it via SignDoc.

  1. Click SignDoc in the Sign and Certify group on the Security tab.
  2. Select Send via Kofax SignDoc from the list.

    The Send via Kofax SignDoc panel appears.

  3. In the Send via SignDoc panel, under Package, edit Kofax SignDoc package details, which are used in the e-sign request emails.
    1. Name: Name of the SignDoc package to create.
    2. Description: Description of the SignDoc package.
    3. Subject: Text that appears in the subject line of the notification mail sent to the signers.
    4. Message: Text that appears in the message body of the notification mail sent to the signers.
  4. Under Recipients, add all signers and reviewers to the list.
    1. Click Add a new recipient (Add a new recipient).

      The SignDoc recipient dialog box appears.

    2. In the Name box, type a name or nickname, or select one used earlier.

      As you restart Power PDF, it saves the last 10 names typed in this box.

    3. In the Email box, type the recipient's email address, or select one used earlier.
    4. Click OK.

      The recipient appears in the list as the active (highlighted) list item.

    5. Select the recipient's role:

      • Signer (default)

      • Reviewer

    6. Optionally, repeat the preceding steps to add more recipients.
    7. To remove a recipient, select it, and click Remove recipient (Remove recipient), then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
    8. To edit the recipient, click Edit recipient (Edit recipient).

      The Edit recipient dialog box appears, and you can edit the Name and Email fields, as detailed above.

    1. Optionally, clear the Complete in any order check box to notify the signers in the same order as they are listed.

      Clearing the Complete in any order check box enables the Move recipient up (Move recipient up) and Move recipient down (Move recipient down) buttons. Use these buttons to change the position of the selected recipient in the list.

  5. Add fields.
    1. In the list under Recipients, select the recipient to assign the field to.

      The bottom list displays the fields for the currently selected recipient.

    2. Navigate to the preferred page in the active document where you want to place the field.
    3. In the drop-down list next to the Add a new field (Add a new signature field) button, select the type of the field to add:

      • Signature field (default)

      • Text field

      • Checkbox

      The mouse pointer changes to a crosshair.

    4. Click Add a new field (Add a new signature field).
    5. Draw a rectangle on the page to represent the field.

      The new field appears in red, also represented as an item in the field list, named according to this scheme:

      [Page pagenumber] label

      Use the Label box to update the label, which is empty by default.

      The currently selected field always appears in red.

    6. Optionally, clear the Required check box to set the signing of the selected field as optional. This check box is selected by default for newly created signature fields.
    7. Optionally, add a label in the Label box to make the field easier to recognize in the list.

      This text appears following pagenumber in the name of the signature field list item.

    8. For a Signature field, select the Signing methods to grant for the signer. You must select at least one check box.

      • Signature: The signer may use a signing pad device.
      • Photo capture: The signer may use a webcam.
      • Signature image: The signer may use a signature image file.
      • Click-to-sign: The signer should enter their name only. Kofax SignDoc creates an electronic signature with a timestamp and a SecureID.

    9. For a Checkbox field, set up the options below:

      • Read only: Select to prevent signers to select or deselect the Checkbox field. You cannot select both "Read only" and "Required" for the same field.
      • Select by default: Use the Checkbox field as the default selection.

    10. For a Text field, set up the parameters below:

      • Initial text: Enter the text that appears in the field by default.
      • Read only: Select to prevent signers from editing the field. You cannot select both "Read only" and "Required" for the same field.
      • Multiline: Select to allow for the signer to enter multiple lines of text.

    11. Optionally, repeat the preceding steps to add more fields.
  6. Click Send package to recipients (Send package to recipients).

    The Send via Kofax SignDoc dialog box appears.

  7. Select how to upload the package.
    1. Select Upload as Package to compile a SignDoc signing package with the information provided.
    2. Select Upload as Template to compile a SignDoc template for further use.
  8. Optionally, select the Fine tune package/template with the WEB app check box to edit the package before sending it to the recipients.
  9. Click Start. Follow the process in the Package log box. The text may include error messages.
  10. If the operation is successful, Power PDF proceeds according to your selection above:
    • If you selected the Fine tune package/template with the WEB app check box, the Signing package is created message appears. Click Close to continue with the SignDoc WEB app on a new Power PDF tab and edit the package before sending it to the recipients.

    • If you cleared the Fine tune package/template with the WEB app check box, the Signing package created and sent to recipients message appears. Click Close. The document is now sent and waiting for other recipients. Visit the SignDoc website to check the status.

Edit a SignDoc template

You can download and edit a document from an existing SignDoc template, then upload it in a new package or template.

Upload the edited document with the copy of the original template to keep all fields and properties intact.

  1. Click SignDoc in the Sign and Certify group on the Security tab, then select Open from template from the list.

    The Open document from template panel appears.

  2. In the Select template drop-down list, select a SignDoc template.
  3. The Select document to download drop-down list offers the documents included in the template. Select a document.
    The document details and preview appear at the bottom.
  4. Click Download. In the Save As dialog box, browse to a location and click Save to download the file.

    Power PDF opens the file.

  5. Edit the file in Power PDF as you prefer and save it by pressing Ctrl+S.
  6. Click SignDoc in the Sign and Certify group on the Security tab, then select Send with template from the list.

    The Send document with template dialog box appears.

  7. Click Send.
  8. In the Send dialog box, select how to upload the document.
    1. Select Package to start a new package based on the copy of the selected template. The new package includes the edited version of the document.
    2. Select Template to copy the selected template. The new template includes the edited version of the document.
  9. In the Name box, enter a new name for the package or template.
  10. Click OK to upload. The SignDoc WEB app opens a new Power PDF tab where you can continue to work with your package or template.

Sign a document with Kofax SignDoc - Signature

Power PDF requires a compatible signing pad device and a signature (Digital ID) installed.

  1. Open the document to sign.
  2. Select Sign with Kofax SignDoc - Signature.
  3. Draw a rectangle on the page to represent the field.

    The Sign with Kofax SignDoc wizard appears.

  4. In the Signer's name box, type the signing person's name.
  5. Instruct the signer to use the signing pad to present an authentic signature.

    Signing devices process not only the visual representation but other aspects of handwriting, such as velocity or intensity.

    The handwriting appears in the dialog box.

  6. Click Next when finished.

    The wizard proceeds to the next page.

  7. Under Digital ID, select a certificate in the Name list to deliver with the signature.
    1. Optionally, click Details to display the Certificate Details dialog box and monitor certificate information.
    2. If the selected certificate requires a password, type it in the Confirm Password box.
  8. Click Sign to finish the signing process.

Sign a document with Kofax SignDoc - Image

You can sign your document using a signature saved in an image file.

  1. Open the document to sign.
  2. Select Sign with Kofax SignDoc - Image.
  3. Draw a rectangle on the page to represent the field.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  4. Select the image file containing the signature, then click Open.

    The Sign with Kofax SignDoc wizard appears.

  5. Under Digital ID, select a certificate in the Name list to deliver with the signature.
    1. Optionally, click Details to display the Certificate Details dialog box and monitor certificate information.
    2. If the selected certificate requires a password, type it in the Confirm Password box.
  6. Enter the Signer's name, then click Save or Save As.

The signature appears on the selected area, along with the signer's printed name.