Link Properties

You can set actions to occur when a bookmark or hyperlink is clicked. Right-click a link for the Link Properties dialog box or a bookmark for the Bookmark Properties dialog box.

You can select the following actions types.

Go to a page view
Prompts you to scroll to a target location in the current PDF or another open PDF and click Set Link. When done, a click with the Hand tool jumps to the specified page.
Open a web link
Prompts you to provide a URL. You can use http, https, ftp, and mailto protocols. When done, a click with the Hand tool jumps to the specified Internet location.
Open a file
Prompts you to specify a file. After that is done, a click opens the file. If you select a non-PDF file, you must have an application that can open it. When distributing a PDF file with such a link, the recipient also needs such an application.

If a PDF file is selected, then the Specify Open Preference dialog box appears. Select one of the following:

  • Window set by user preference: Uses the preference set at File > Options > General > Miscellaneous, in the Open cross-document link in same window check box.
  • New window: Opens the file in a new Power PDF window.
  • Existing window: Opens the file in the current Power PDF window, taking over the place of the document with the file link.
Execute a menu item
Prompts you to select a menu item. Then a click on the link performs the selected command.
Run a JavaScript
Prompts you to write some script. When done, a click on the link runs the script.
Show/Hide field(s)
Use this option to specify form fields to show or hide when clicking the link. Click the Add button. Mark fields to be displayed or hidden, and then use the Hide and Show radio buttons. For quick selection, use Select All or Deselect All.
Import form data
Click the Add button and browse to the form data file to import when the link is clicked.
Reset a form
Specify which fields in the form to reset. Click the Add button, mark the fields, and click OK.
Submit a form
Click the Add button to specify form data submission parameters: URL, export format and date conversion. You can select to submit all field data or specify selected fields with or without blank fields included.
Play Media (PDF 1.4 Compatible)
Click to play PDF 1.4 compatible video files in the current document.
Play Media (PDF 1.5 and Later Compatible)
Click to play PDF 1.5 and above compatible video files in the current document.
Play a sound

Click the Add button and select a wav file to be played when the link is clicked.

Go to a 3D view
Click to display a predefined view of the selected 3D content in the PDF.

For link actions, the Protected option prevents an accidental change in the link appearance and actions.