Start from Microsoft Word

You can start Power PDF Convert from Microsoft Word using the Open PDF/XPS tool on the Kofax PDF tab, or by selecting Save As Kofax PDF from the File menu.

Start Convert Assistant from the Kofax PDF tab

  1. In Microsoft Word, click the Kofax PDF tab.
  2. Conversion Settings icon Click the Conversion Settings tool to set a preference for current and future conversions.

    This tool is available when input comes via File > Open and a PDF or XPS file type is selected, and when the Open PDF/XPS tool is clicked on the Kofax PDF tab.

  3. Select from the following:
    • Use Kofax Convert Assistant

    • Automatically Convert as Standard Documents

    • Automatically Convert as Forms

    • Automatically Convert as Legals

  4. Open PDF/XPS icon Click the Open PDF/XPS tool.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  5. Select a single PDF or XPS file and click OK.
  6. The final step of the conversion process depends on the conversion tool selected earlier:

    • If you used Convert Assistant, the selected document appears in the a preview window. You can move through document pages and set a page range. You can also view and change processing and output options. On the toolbar, click the Convert All tool, and when the converted document appears in Word, use Save As to save it.

    • If you selected a direct conversion, processing starts immediately and all pages are processed, based on the settings defined in Convert Assistant for the selected conversion mode. When the converted document appears in Word, use Save As to save it.

Start Convert Assistant from the File menu

  1. Go to the Microsoft Word File menu, click Open, and then select Browse.
  2. Click the PDF (Portable Document Format) (*.pdf) format or XPS Files (*.xps) in the Files of type box.
  3. Select the PDF/XPS file to convert.

    You can select two or more files from a folder; each file will be converted into a separate Word document, each waiting to be saved with Save As.

  4. Click Open.
  5. Conversion starts with or without Convert Assistant, as specified in the PDF Converter Settings dialog box.
  6. If Convert Assistant is enabled, the source file can be previewed and you can change settings, and then start the conversion. If Convert Assistant is disabled, conversion starts immediately, using existing settings for the chosen mode. The progress monitor is displayed along with a series of tips and the preview of the page currently being converted.
  7. The converted, editable document is displayed in Microsoft Word, read to be saved to a different name with Save As.