Export Connector for Text Setup Window - Default Storage Tab

Use this tab to select options for naming and storing your document and index data files.



Enter a name (up to 32 characters) for your export connector. This name is used to refer to your export connector in the Export Connectors window. This field is not required, but may help you keep track of your export connectors while using the multiple export feature.

Default Storage Folder

View the storage folder where the files are to be stored. A predefined path is provided as follows:

ServerPath\Kofax\Capture\Export\{Batch Class Name}\{Document Class Name}\{Document ID}


  • ServerPath is the path and name for your server.

  • {Batch Class Name}, {Document Class Name}, and {Document ID} are Kofax Values that reflect the specific values at export time.


Click this button to specify a different default folder in the Custom Folder window.

You can also manually edit the Default Storage Folder box.

Custom File Name

The following options are available only if the Use the original file name of image and eDocument files option is not selected on the Export Properties window.

Standard file name (hexadecimal number)

Creates file names using the standard Kofax file naming convention that uses the unique document ID value generated by the system and formats it into a hexadecimal format. For example, if the document ID is 19A27C (shown as a hexadecimal number), the file name would be 19A27C.tif. This is the default setting.

If you require an 8.3 file name format, select this option.

Decimal based file name (integer)

Creates file names using decimal numeric values. This method uses the unique document ID value generated by the system and formats it into a decimal representation. For example, if the document ID is 19A27C (shown as a hexadecimal number), the file name would be 1679996.tif (converted to an integer).

Use leading zeros in decimal file name

If you selected the Decimal based file name option, select this option if you want the file name to contain leading zeros. For example, an image named 1679996.tif becomes 0001679996.tif. File names are zero-padded to 10 digits.

Custom file name

Define your own file naming convention in the File Name box.

File Name

If you selected Custom file name under Custom File Name (when available), you can enter a combination of text and values (such as index fields) to specify a custom name for the file.

To enter a descriptive piece of text to be used as entered, click the File Name box and type the text.

Displays a menu that includes the following options:

Index Fields

Displays a list of Kofax Capture index fields defined for the document class. If no document index fields are defined for the document class, this option is not available.

Folder Index Fields

Displays a list of Kofax Capture index fields defined for the folder class. You can define multiple folder classes each with its own folder index fields. When no folder classes exist or when all folder classes have no index fields defined, this option is not available.

Batch Fields

Displays a list of Kofax Capture batch fields defined for the batch class. If no batch fields are defined for the batch class, this option is not available.

Kofax Values

Displays a list of Kofax Values.

To delete any text or values you entered, click the File Name box and use the Backspace or Delete key on your keyboard.

eDocuments and single-page TIFF files continue to be exported into a separate subfolder with their current naming convention (1.tif, 2.tif, etc). The folder uses the same name as the image file. Multi-page TIFF files continue to contain multiple pages.

Duplicate Name Handling

Use the following options to determine how to handle duplicate file names.

Replace if duplicate is found

Overwrites an image when a duplicate file name is found.

Rename if duplicate is found

Creates a duplicate file with an appended version number when a duplicate file name is found.

If a duplicate file is found, a new file name is created based on the original file name with the addition of a version number. The format of the version number is "_V n where n is a number starting with 2 and increasing until a unique file name can be created. For example, if ClientName.tif already exists, a duplicate file is created with the file name ClientName_V2.tif. If ClientName_V2.tif already exists, a duplicate file is created with the file name ClientName_V3.tif, and so on.

Duplicate renaming also applies to PDF and OCR files (if you set up the export connector to output PDF and OCR files). The duplicate PDF and OCR file names match the image file names as a group. For example, if Document.tif, Document_v2.tif, and Document_v3.tif already exist, after selecting this option, the next duplicate file name group would be Document_v4.tif, and Document_v4.pdf.

The maximum file name length is determined by the operating system.

Index.txt files are not overwritten. New data is appended to the existing index file.

Error if duplicate is found

Rejects a document and sends it to the Quality Control module when a duplicate name is detected.