Kofax Export Connector for Text Setup Window - Index Storage Tab

Use this tab to select the index file and location where the selected index values are output.



Enter a name (up to 32 characters) for your text export connector. This name is used to refer to your export connector in the Export Connector window. This field is optional.

Output one index file per document to the default storage folder

Select this option to store index files in the location specified on the Default Storage tab.

Output values to specific index file

Select this option to enter the path and file name for storing the index file. Your index data is exported to this file.

Storage folder

View the path and folder for storing the index file, if available.


Specifies a custom storage folder in the Custom Folder window. You can manually edit the Storage folder box. The preferred method is that you build the path by clicking the Custom button and using the Custom Folder window.

File name

Enter the name for the index file, along with the extension .txt.


Select how you want the index file written, such as ANSI or UNICODE text.


Lists the values to be exported, and the order in which they are written to the file. Available only if batch fields and/or index fields are defined for the batch, folder, and document classes.

The order that the values are listed (as shown by the Sequence column) is the order they are written to the export file. You can use the Move buttons (described below), or the arrow keys on the keyboard to reorder the list. You can also use the Add button to add values or the Delete button to remove values from the list.


This read-only information indicates the order the values are written to your file.


Lists the values to be written to the file. By default, all batch fields and index fields currently defined for the selected batch, folder, and document classes are listed.

When you select a value from the list (or press the spacebar on the keyboard), a context menu button appears. You can click this button to display a menu of options for the type of data you want to export.

You can choose the following:

Delete: Deletes the selected value.

Folder Index Fields: Displays a list of folder index fields defined for the batch class/document class. If no folder index fields are defined, this option is not available.

Index Fields: Displays a list of index fields defined for the batch class/document class. If no index fields are defined, this option is not available.

Batch Fields: Displays a list of batch fields defined for the batch class/document class. If no batch fields are defined, this option is not available.

Kofax Values: Displays a list of Kofax Values.

Export Location: Select if you want to include the path designated for the Kofax PDF or OCR folder in the index file.

Text Constant: Specify a descriptive piece of text to be used as entered.

To modify an existing text constant, select Text Constant from the drop-down list. This highlights the current text constant, allowing you to enter a new one.

For information on entering an enhanced text constant, see Enhanced Text Constant.

Add button

Adds an entry to the list of values. The value is added to the end of the list. You can also use the Move buttons to move the value to a different position.

Delete button

Deletes an entry from the list of values. Select the value you want to delete, and then click this button.

Delete All button

Deletes all entries from the list of values.

Move buttons

Reorders the items on the list of values. Select a value you want to move, and then click the up arrow to move the value up in the list or the down arrow to move it down. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move an item up or down.