Configure Fax server for import

Use this window to add or edit connections to external fax servers.


Select the type of fax server. Kofax Import Connector supports:

  • Kofax Communication Server

  • Biscom

  • RightFax

  • RightFax Rest WebAPI

Display name

Enter a descriptive and unique name for this fax import connection.

Poll cycle in seconds

Enter how often should Kofax Import Connector check for new documents on the fax server. The maximum value is 86400 seconds, i.e., 24 hours.


Enter the host name or IP address of the fax server you want to connect to.

For RightFax Rest WebAPI, specify the host name in http://serverIPAddress/rightfax/api format.

For RightFax, specify the "Host" name or IP address in <tls:<serverhostname>> format.


<serverhostname> is the host name or IP address of the fax server.

tls is optional. When tls: is used as prefix, a secure TCP/IP connection is used. Else, a default TCP/IP connection is used.

Fax server login credentials

Enter the user name and password to access the fax server.

By default, the "Password" field is always displayed as blank.

When editing the fax server settings, provide the password only if it is changed. Once you enter the new password and save the fax server settings, password provided here will override the stored password.

Windows credentials for file share

Enter the user name and password to access the file share. This is only for Biscom fax server.

By default, the "Password" field is always displayed as blank.

When editing the Biscom fax server settings, provide the password only if it is changed. Once you enter the new password and save the fax server settings, password provided here will override the stored password.

Single/Multi instance

For RightFax Rest WebAPI, select the fax server that can be polled by multiple Message Connectors simultaneously.

  • Single Instance: Polls the mailbox with only one Message Connector. Using this value and running multiple connections in parallel may import the same message multiple times to Kofax Capture.

  • Multiple Instance: Uses multiple Message Connector to poll the one Rightfax mailbox. However, to avoid duplicate fax import, this option introduces a small delay in importing faxes (by default, 60 seconds).

Import from users

Displays a list of fax users with the fax extensions.

For RightFax, if the extension number of a user has more than nine digits, it may not be displayed correctly.

Add button

Click to enter the name or extension of a user on the fax server. Messages sent to this user are imported to Kofax Import Connector. Provide the following settings in the Add user window:

  • Type name or click List users and select from the list: Enter the name of the fax user. Alternatively, select the fax user from the list.

  • Group: Enter the name of the group and click List users to list all the users in the group.

    Alternatively, click List users without providing the group name to list all the users in the Fax server.

Remove button

Click to delete the selected user / extension.

Test fax server connection button

Click to verify the connection to the fax server.