Use XSL transformation to map metadata and XML data

Kofax Import Connector can parse incoming XML documents and/or the metadata of incoming messages and use the information from them to populate message fields. XML documents can also include links to other documents to be imported. There are three types of mapping:

  • XML Import Connector compatible: It is a specific variant of the generic mapping and is only available if you select ImportSession as the XML type for the destination. This mapping is compatible with the Kofax Capture XML Import Connector. It maps the input XML data in the same way as the XML Import Connector.

  • Simple mapping: Maps metadata and/or XML document data to specific fields of the batch/folder/document classes that are configured for the destination where the mapping occurs. It is not possible to control the batch/folder/document class names through the input XML data.

  • Generic mapping: This mapping considers the information on batch/folder/document classes from the customer’s XML document (and the class names configured for the destination are only used as fallback if a specific class name is missing). The XML format in generic mapping is not restricted and it can be configured for any customer XML data structures.

An XSL transformation performs the mapping for both simple and generic methods.

You can write the transformation file manually or generate it using any XML mapping visual tool such as Altova MapForce. These tools offer a user-friendly GUI that can perform complex XML mappings and automatically generate XSL transformation. Still, XSLT expertise is required to perform XML mapping.

You can install the Altova MapForce tool on any computer. Kofax Import Connector does not need this tool at runtime.

Altova MapForce is a third-partysoftware that requires a license. This software is not included with Kofax Import Connector. Similarly, the licenses for Kofax Import Connector cannot be used to operate Altova MapForce.

In this topic, we have used the Altova MapForce tool to describe XSL transformation.

  1. Before setting up XML mapping, define at least one XML type; unless you are using the XML Import Connector schema <ImportSession> - that is available automatically. See Add XML type.

    You do not need to specify an XML type if you only want to map document metadata.

  2. Edit a destination. See Manage destinations
  3. On the Import settings tab, select an XML Type (not necessary if you only want to map document metadata).
  4. On the Import mappings tab, configure XML mapping:
    • XML Import Connector compatible: For XML documents compatible with Kofax Capture XML Import Connector. Continue with step 12.

    • Simple: To map XML data and message metadata to the batch/folder/document fields assigned to the destination that you are currently editing.

    • Generic: If the information about batch/folder/document classes is included in the XML document. The information from XML overrides the destination settings. If the class names are not specified in XML, the settings of the destination are used. Generic is also necessary in the following use cases:

      • Kofax Tables should be filled with the content of the input XML.

      • The content of any index field should be evaluated by an expression.

      • Other features possibly supported by the Kofax XML Import Connector format.

  5. Click Show files for Visual Designer to display the folder where Kofax Import Connector stores the files required for mapping.
    It is the same folder that contains the files for XML rendering.
  6. If Altova MapForce is not installed locally, copy the entire folder to the Altova MapForce computer.
  7. Open the .mfd project file in Altova MapForce.
  8. Map XML data and metadata to Kofax Capture batch/folder/document fields.

    Altova MapForce screen shot

  9. To save the project file, on the File menu, click Save.
  10. Save the result to an XSLT file.

    • On the File menu, expand Generate code in and select XSLT 1.0.

    • You must save the file to the same directory where the .mfd file is located.

    • Change the file name to XmlMapping.xslt.

  11. If Altova MapForce is not installed locally, copy the entire folder back to KC Plug-In computer (to the original location).
  12. Close the destination configuration window and restart KC Plug-In.

Alternatively, you can use any of the following methods:

  1. Generate the necessary XSL transformation file that governs metadata mapping using other tools.

  2. Write simple transformations using a text editor.

  3. C ontact Kofax to create the mapping for you.

For additional information, refer to the Kofax Import Connector Developers Guide.

When using the XML type "ImportSession", you do not need to create any XSL transformation. The mapping is available automatically.

There is a significant difference in importing of document's body and attachments (including the XML document itself) between simple and generic mapping.

Simple mapping XML Import Connector compatible generic mapping Generic mapping
All parts of a document are automatically handled according to the destination's configuration and then imported as pages in the same folder/document class (or loose pages) of the batch.
  1. If you convert your content to TIF or PDF and select Include original content, the XML document is imported as original XML and rendered to TIF or PDF.
  2. If you do not convert the content and select Include original content, the original XML document is imported.

The attachments are only imported if they are explicitly linked in the XML file. The controlling XML file is never imported. Attachments (and the XML document itself) are only imported if explicitly instructed in the XSL transformation.

For additional information, refer to the Kofax Import Connector Developer's Guide