Convert PST files

Personal storage table (PST) files are used by Microsoft Outlook and other Microsoft products to store messages and other items.

You can extract all messages from a PST file to a folder. Then, Kofax Import Connector can import the extracted messages to Kofax Capture.

  1. Start Windows Command Prompt in the Message Connector installation folder. The default assuming it is in 64-bit operating system is:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\KIC-ED\MC\bin\KFXConverter\

  2. Run the following command by providing values for <sourcepath>, <filename>, and <destinationpath>:

    KFXConverter.exe –s <sourcepath>\<filename> –f <destinationpath>\ –type msg 

    1. For <sourcepath>, enter the folder where your PST file is located.

    2. For <filename>, enter the name of the PST file to be converted.

    3. For <destinationpath>, enter the folder where the MSG files should be extracted.

  3. Wait until the extraction is complete.

You can now move the extracted files to a watched folder to import them to Kofax Capture. See Access local files/network share via SMB.

MSG files where attachments have been removed by any Microsoft Outlook archive tool cannot be imported.

You can convert multiple PST files simultaneously. However, when running multiple KFXConverter instances in parallel, some information about the second and later instances might be missing from the log file. To ensure that your logs are complete, you can specify different log files for each instance using the command line switch -logfile <logfilename>.