Handle multipage TIF files

Kofax Capture Import Connector - Folder has the function to split incoming multipage TIF files into pages before importing them to Kofax Capture. Kofax Import Connector uses a different approach and leverages existing Kofax Capture batch class options to achieve similar results.

If you are using Kofax Capture Network Server, you can only perform batch class configuration on the central site.

  1. On the Windows Start menu, click Start Kofax Capture > Kofax Capture Administration.
  2. Select your batch class and edit its properties:
    1. On the Separation and Form Identification tab, select Kofax fixed pages.
    2. On the Advanced tab, select either option to configure the Process documents as independent batches parameter.
      • Clear: Treats each page of a multipage TIF as a separate document.

      • Select: Treats each page of a multipage TIF as a separate batch.

  3. Select your form type and edit its properties:
    1. Select Fixed number of pages.
    2. Enter "1" in the field below.
  4. Publish the batch class to make the changes effective.
  5. In Kofax Capture Administration, on the menu select Electronic Documents > Configuration.
  6. Select your destination and click Edit Destination.
    1. Go to the Import Mappings tab.
    2. In the Batch class field, select the batch class configured in Step 2.
    3. In the Document class field, select Loose Pages.
      Kofax Import Connector checks only the form type option and no other internal form type settings. Therefore, if the Page separation and Fixed number of pages options are set in the form type, these are ignored. Kofax Import Connector only performs simple separation, that is:
      • Create document per attachment
      • Create document per message
  7. Restart the KC Plug-In service to make the changes effective.

The behavior in Kofax Capture is almost identical to KCIC Folder behavior, only the batch names in Kofax Capture Batch Manager are different.

batch names comparison

As Kofax Import Connector can combine multiple import connectors, TIF splitting in available to any input document. You can restrict TIF splitting to documents imported from a folder by creating an exclusive destination and setting up an appropriate rule. See Add a rule.

It is not possible to save each page of split TIF files to a separate folder. The original, unsplit TIF file is archived instead.

archiving differences between old and new connector