Configure Kofax Capture integration with Kofax Import Connector

You can specify details about how Kofax Capture and Kofax Import Connector interact.

  1. On the KC Plug-In window, underAssistance Tasks, click General Settings.
  2. Configure the following:

    By default, the "Password" field is always displayed as blank.

    When editing the settings, provide the password for a user only if it is changed. Once you enter the new password and save the folder settings, password provided here will override the stored password.

    User ID and Password Specify these parameters if you are using the User Profiles feature of Kofax Capture.
    Test credentials Click this button to verify the connection.
    Cache import process instance Select this option to improve performance.

    • If selected, the Kofax Import Connector remains connected to Kofax Capture and logs off only on service shutdown.
    • If clear, the Kofax Import Connector logs on to Kofax Capture each time a batch is imported and logs off afterward.

    Number of KIC process instances

    Increase the value of this parameter to improve the performance of KC Plug-In by running multiple instances of the process (vertical scaling). The extra instances may fail to start if enough hardware resources are not available.

    • With multiple processes running in parallel, the batch structure might change. For example, if a customer always copies a group of 5 documents to the import folder, and has a batch size of 5, then having the group in one batch does not work. As documents get split among processes, each creates its own batch. Therefore, in cases where the batch structure needs to be constant, use trigger files in conjunction with vertical scaling to ensure that only one KC Plug-In process can access the imported content at any given time.
    • The parameter "Import pool size" is deprecated. Use the default value (1). To improve performance, use the "Number of KIC process instances" parameter instead.

    Use UTC time Select this option to use UTC for all imported documents. If clear, the local time of Kofax Capture is used.
    Log files path Select a path to use a custom location for creating log files. By default, KC Plug-In records all the events/actions in log files created at the default location.
    Log level

    Select either option for logging preference. KC Plug-In provides two types of log levels:

    1. INFO (default): Logs general information about each event/action. This level is best suited for the production environment.
    2. DEBUG: Logs detailed information about each event/action. This level is used for debugging or identifying any issues.

    Use a local system path for saving log files. Network shared directories are not supported.

  3. Click OK to save changes.
  4. Restart the KC Plug-In service to apply the configuration changes.