Configure Message Connector for web service input

Message Connector can accept documents via web services.

The maximum document size allowed for import using a web service is 1 GB.

  1. Start Message Connector Configuration utility from the Kofax Import Connector group in the Windows Start menu.
  2. Go to the General tab and enter the Own Computer Name (might be necessary for SSL).
  3. Go to the Web Service Input tab.
    1. Specify Local IP Address (IP address of the used network adapter; required, for example, in clustered environment).
    2. Make sure that either HTTP or HTTPS port has a non-zero value.
    3. Optional. To use the web service calls GetContentTypeList and GetContentTypeDescription to retrieve information from Kofax Capture, specify KC Plug-In URL, such as http://localhost:8001/KIC-Electronic-Documents. The URL must include the same port number as the one configured in KC Plug-In. See Configure web service.
  4. If you are using network load balancing and want to track the status of documents sent via web service, you must configure additional parameters on each computer for different instances of Message Connector to communicate together:
    1. Select MC Cluster Enabled to enable the communication between Message Connectors in order to track documents.
    2. In the Local MC Cluster IP Address field, enter the local IP address. This address must be reachable from other Message Connector computers.
    3. In the MC Cluster Port field, enter the port for internal communication between Message Connectors.
    4. In the MC Cluster Members field, list the IP addresses and ports of other Message Connectors, such as ",".
  5. Verify that web service input is not disabled:
    1. Click Advanced.
    2. Go to the Security Options tab.
    3. Make sure that Disable Web Service Input is not selected.
  6. Click Save. Click Exit and restart service.
  7. On the KC Plug-In computer, create or edit a connection between KC Plug-In and Message Connector. Click Add and select Web Service Import to add web service to the list of import connectors. See Add a connection.

Customers must provide their own application to send documents to Kofax Import Connector via web services interface. The WSDL file describing the interface is available in the installation directory (by default at: <programs>\Kofax\KIC-ED\MC\web\import.wsdl).

A sample application for sending documents is available on the installation ISO: Samples\WebService\ Both source code and compiled application are provided. For more information about using the tool, refer to readme.txt (part of the zip package). For additional information about the interface, refer to Kofax Import Connector Developer's Guide.

The web services interface is not compatible with Kofax Capture Import Connector - Web Services. Existing customer applications must be updated.