Advanced Conversion and Import tab

Use this tab to configure advance conversion and import parameters.

Normalize PDF documents to PDF/A

Select this check box to convert PDF documents to the ISO-standardized format PDF/A specialized for digital preservation of electronic documents.

Convert XFA Forms using Adobe Experience Manager

Select this check box to allow conversion of PDF documents with XFA forms. Adobe Experience Manager Output Service must be installed and its web service interface must be available. Adobe Experience Manager credentials must be configured in the Message Connector configuration.

If support for Adobe LiveCycle is available, you can also use Adobe LiveCycle for conversion of XFA Forms.

Concatenate multiple PDF files

Select the desired option for importing the PDF files in Kofax Capture:

This option is enabled only when the "PDF" option is selected in the "Convert to" field of "Import setting" tab.
  • Import individual PDF files: Imports individual PDF files.

  • Import concatenated PDF only: Imports a merged PDF file only.

  • Import concatenated and individual PDF files: Imports both individual PDF files and a merged PDF file.

If Body with message header is selected in the Import settings tab, message body is also included in the merged PDF.
Output PDF format

Select the output format for normalized PDF files. Default: PDF/A-2b (The default value is applicable only to newly created destinations. For the existing destinations, the previously configured format is used.)

  • In "Import settings" tab, make sure that at least one option is selected for the "Convert to" field.

  • If "Normalize PDF documents to PDFA" option is not selected, the incoming PDF files are not normalized to any of the selected format.

  • If the input PDF file format is not compatible to be converted to the required output format, the actual output format may be downgraded. For example, if the input file version is PDF 1.5 and if the "Output PDF format" field is set to "PDF/A-1a", "PDF/A-2a" or "PDF/A-3a", the output PDF format may be PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2u or PDF/A-3u respectively. See Supported input formats and PDF output formats.

Embed original source file

Select this check box to embed the source files in the normalized PDF file. This option is only available when output PDF format is PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b or PDF/A-3u.

If the input source file is of XML type, it is not embedded in the normalized PDF file.

Adobe PDF Library SDK options

Use these options to configure the JPEG quality of the PDF to TIF conversion:

  • PDPageDrawSmoothLineText: Improves the quality of the text in the PDF by smoothing the jagged edges of the text.

  • PDPageDrawSmoothLineArt: Improves the quality of the line arts such as square, rectangle, and circle in the PDF by smoothing the jagged edges of the art.

  • PDPageDrawSmoothLineImage: Improves the quality of the image in the PDF by smoothing the jagged edges of the image.

  • PDPageNoDither: Dithering improves the image quality to reproduce the exact colors of an image even though the required colors are not available. A mixture of other colors is used get the required color.

    By default, dithering is applied during the conversion of PDF to TIFF. Dithering simulates the grayscale in the image and sometimes may generate unexpected output. In such a case, you can select this option to skip dithering.

These smoothing and rendering flags can be used to eliminate black lines introduced to certain types of PDF documents during document conversion. However, for some PDF documents, the combination of PDPageDrawSmoothLineArt and PDPageNoDither flags cannot eliminate the black lines when the expected TIF format is 200x200/300x300 DPI color or DPI Grayscale.

Skip converting files

Provide a list of file types along with size (in bytes) that you do not want to convert. Use the "<" or ">" operators to specify the size for the file types. Each file type should be separated by an either ";" or ",". Use the "*" wild card for specifying all extensions.

Example 1: To skip the conversion of PNG files with size more than 5000 bytes and BMP files with size more than 10000 bytes, specify: .PNG > 5000, .BMP > 10000.

Example 2: To skip the conversion of all file types with size less than 2000 bytes, specify .* < 2000.

Example 3: To skip the conversion of PNG files, specify .PNG.

Example 4: To skip the conversion of all files, specify .* > -1. This is a workaround as the .* option is currently not supported.

  • Specifying ".*" does not skip the conversion of all files.

  • Kofax Capture does not allow file extensions with more than four characters. For example, xyz.plain. An error message similar to the following is logged in the Kofax Import Connector trace file when an extension with more than four characters is imported into Kofax Capture:

    "Extensions must be between 1 and 4 characters long

Skip importing files

Provide a list of file types along with size (in bytes) that you do not want to import. Use the "<" or ">" operators to specify the size for the file types. Each file type should be separated by an either ";" or ",". Use the "*" wild card for specifying all extensions.

Example 1: To skip the import of PNG files with size more than 5000 bytes and BMP files with size more than 10000 bytes, specify: .PNG > 5000, .BMP > 10000.

Example 2: To skip the import of all file types with size less than 2000 bytes, specify .* < 2000.

Example 3: To skip the import of PNG files, specify .PNG.

  • To get a list of all the filenames that are imported, use the KfxMessageAttachmentList message field in the notification email. See Configure message fields.

  • To get a list of all the filenames which are not imported, use the KfxMessageRemovedAttachmentList message field in the notification email. See Configure message fields.

Allow importing files with formats

Provide a list of file types which you want to allow importing. Kofax Import Connector will only import the specified file types. Each file type should be separated by a semicolon (;).

For example, if you want to allow importing PNG and TEXT files, specify .png;.txt.

  • To get a list of all the filenames that are imported, use the KfxMessageAttachmentList message field in the notification email. See Configure message fields.

  • To get a list of all the filenames which are not imported, use the KfxMessageRemovedAttachmentList message field in the notification email. See Configure message fields.

Advanced conversion details

To modify the advanced conversion settings for KFXConverter parameters, select the check box and click AdvancedConversions button. In the AdvancedConversionDetails window, configure the settings.