VRS parameters

VRS parameters that differ from the default value are displayed in bold. Some VRS parameters depend on other VRS parameters (such as, Auto Orientation has no effect if Auto Deskew = 0). VRS parameters that have no effect are grayed out.

The VRS Auto Orientation/ Auto Deskew uses Neural Networks that are trained to handle texts in the following character sets: Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Character sets in other languages may not be handled properly.


Use these parameters to configure the color settings.

Color Contrast

This is similar to Black/White Contrast, but for when the input image is color.

This setting applies only when VRS returns a color image, and the input image is color. The optimal value for this setting is typically determined by trial and error for each scanner model of interest.

Color Detect

When Color Detect is enabled, VRS evaluates each image to determine whether it should be processed as a color image or a black and white image.

This setting is intended to be used when Color Mode is enabled. If Color Detect is enabled and the input image is color, VRS may return a color image as output regardless of Color Mode.

Color Format of the Output Image

This setting specifies the color format of the output image. If the input image is color and Color Detect is enabled, VRS may return a color image even if color format is Black/White.

Color Gamma

When a scanner scans a document, it determines how to convert the light intensity of that document into pixels using a value called “gamma.” The Color Gamma parameter is used in VRS to compensate for scanners with a built-in gamma value that leads to lower quality images. As the Color Gamma parameter is decreased to the lower end of the range, VRS applies significant contrast between the lightest and darkest areas of an image. As the Color Gamma parameter is increased to the upper end of the range, VRS applies minimal contrast between the lightest and darkest areas of an image.

This setting applies only when Color Mode is Black/White or Color, and the input image is color. The optimal value for this setting is typically determined by trial and error for each scanner model of interest.

Color Sensitivity

Specify how aggressive VRS should be in detecting the color content of documents. The range of aggressiveness spans from 0 to 100. To increase the likelihood that VRS detects color content in a document, assign a high value. Assigning a low value decreases the likelihood that VRS will detect the color content in a document.

Compression Quality

This setting specifies the compression quality of the output JPG file(s). A value of 0 causes VRS to use its internal default value for compression quality which is 80. Specifying a low value reduces file size and reduces image quality.

This setting currently applies only when output format for VRS is set to JPG files.

Detect Small Amounts Of Color

Use this feature if you want VRS to detect small amounts of color (such as a date stamp or small amounts of highlighted text) that appear on otherwise bitonal documents.

Detect Small Amounts Of Color Sensitivity

Use this setting to specify how aggressive VRS should be in detecting small amounts of color. The Color Area Sensitivity range spans from 0 to 100. To increase the likelihood that VRS will detect small amounts of color in a document, assign a high value. By assigning a low value to Color Area Sensitivity, you decrease the likelihood that VRS will detect small amounts of color in a document.

Drop Background Color for Bitonal Foreground

Enable this feature to make VRS ignore the color background of a document that is otherwise black and white. For example, when scanning a black and white document that is printed on color paper, you may prefer the color to be ignored when VRS performs color detection on the document.

This setting applies only when Color Detect is enabled.

Intensity of the Output Color Image

This setting affects the intensity of the output color image. The default value of 128 is neutral.

This setting applies only when VRS returns a color image, and the input image is color. The optimal value for this setting is typically determined by trial and error for each scanner model of interest.

File processing

Configure the output file format.

File Format

Select the desired output image format.

Output Image in Same File Format

When enabled, VRS does not modify the format of the image file.


Configure these parameters to control the output image quality.

Advanced Clarity

VRS can process challenging documents and achieve optimal results. The Advanced Clarity option is an effective alternative when the default settings for Brightness and Contrast do not produce the desired image quality results.

Advanced Clarity Value

Use this option to control the degree of special processing that is applied. A setting of 1 corresponds to "good" results, while a setting of 5 corresponds to optimal or "best" results. The default value is 2. Note that using a higher value increases the risk of loss of image content.

Analyze Color

Use this option to produce optimal black and white images by including color content variations in the image evaluation. Otherwise, only grayscale variations are evaluated. This setting applies only when Advanced Clarity is on, and VRS is processing a color input image and producing a black and white output image.

Auto Brightness

When this option is selected, VRS automatically assigns optimal values for the brightness of the image. The Auto Brightness feature is not available when VRS is returning a color image. (Color Mode = Color)

Auto Contrast Value

The Auto Contrast value applies the optimal contrast settings to the documents as they are scanned. This feature is available only for scanning black and white documents. (Default: 3)

Note the following:

  • Advanced Clarity Value field must be set to On.
  • Manual modification to the Brightness & Contrast values disables Auto Contrast.

Auto Crop

Auto crop automatically crops non-standard images to the actual size of the scanned document. This is helpful if you scan a batch of images consisting of multiple paper sizes. Auto Crop is also important for a precise registration of each image in order to perform accurate character recognition (OCR) and forms recognition processing.

For example, if you scan a postcard, the Auto Crop feature ensures that excess borders are removed so that the image matches the actual document dimensions (rather than the paper size specified in the scanning application). Without image cropping in effect, a postcard's image dimensions would match the application's selected paper size.

Auto Deskew

Automatic deskew is the VRS feature that automatically straightens any images that are skewed (or crooked) at the time of scan.

Auto Orientation

When Auto Orientation is enabled, VRS automatically rotates the image 90, 180, or 270 degrees, based on the detected orientation of the text in the image.

Background Color

This tells VRS the color of the scanner’s background and affects Auto Crop and Auto Deskew processing.

The optimal value for this setting is typically determined by trial and error for each scanner model of interest. In some cases, a scanner with a black background may work better with the white background deskew and cropping algorithms.

Background Smoothing

Turn on background smoothing features to modify the background of a color image. If the option for background smoothing is not selected, the background region of a color image is not altered when it is processed.

Background Smoothing Color

Set the background color of smoothed image:

  • White: All background color is changed to white.

  • Black: All background color is changed to black.

  • Automatic: All background pixels are smoothed to the same value. When you select this option, the background color represents an average of the detected background colors. This works well if there are only minor variations in the background colors.

Background Smoothing Sensitivity

Select how sensitive should VRS be to background colors.

Black/White Contrast

Black/White Contrast is the difference between the lightest and darkest areas on an image. For VRS, the Black/White Contrast parameter affects how the content is enhanced. VRS sees content as anything that has an edge. When VRS detects an edge, it is enhanced based upon the setting in the Black/White Contrast parameter. As the Black/White Contrast value increases, the content needs less of an edge to be enhanced. Fainter content becomes more visible. At the highest value, VRS may even enhance invisible tape or the grain of the document. As the Black/White Contrast value decreases, the content needs more of an edge to be enhanced. Darker content remains while faint content begins to disappear. At the lowest value, only content such as solid lines, bar codes, and logos are visible.

This setting applies only when VRS is returns a black and white image and the input image is grayscale or color. The optimal value for this setting is typically determined by trial and error for each scanner model of interest.

Blank Page Content Sensitivity

Use the Content Sensitivity setting to adjust and control the VRS interpretation of "blankness." For example, if you select a low Content Sensitivity setting, VRS evaluates a page that contains small amounts of content (such as speckles), and determines that the page is blank.

Blank Page Deletion

When enabled, VRS automatically deletes any page that it confidently determines to be blank. It returns the remaining non-blank pages as one TIF file.

Despeckle Enable

When this option is selected, VRS removes speckles from the image. Use the Despeckle Height and Despeckle Width settings to specify the size of the speckles to be removed.

This setting applies only when Color Mode is Black/White.

  • Despeckle Height: Specify the height in pixels of the speckles to be removed.

  • Despeckle Width: Specify the width in pixels.

Edge Cleanup

Edge Cleanup activates the VRS feature that automatically removes any black borders around the image. It is different from Auto Cropping because it does not crop the image to its actual size. Instead, it replaces any black pixels in the border around the image with white pixels, preserving the width and length of the image size determined by VRS Auto Crop.

Changes made to Edge Cleanup are handled according to circumstances under which the VRS Interactive Viewer launched. If the viewer opened as the result of an exception, changes to Edge Cleanup apply to the exception image only. If the viewer opened because you selected Preview or First Page mode, Edge Cleanup settings apply to the exception image and to subsequent scanned images.

Filter Algorithm

Select one of the filters to enhance image quality.

Filter Enable

Filters enhance image quality, remove excessive speckling, and improve legibility.

Fine-tuning parameter for the edge detection

This setting is for fine-tuning the edge detection described with the Black/White Contrast option.

The optimal value for this setting is typically determined by trial and error for each scanner model of interest.

Gray Brightness

This setting affects the intensity of the output grayscale image. The default value of 128 is neutral.

Gray Contrast

The range between the lightest tones and the darkest tones in an image. With no image enhancement, 50% is the normal contrast.

Gray Gamma

This is similar to Color Gamma, but for grayscale input images. See Color Gamma for more information.

This setting applies only when Color Mode is Black/White, and the input image is grayscale. The optimal value for this setting is typically determined by trial and error for each scanner model of interest.

Ignore Hole Marks

Enable Ignore Holes Marks if you do not want the hole marks near the page edges to be considered as part of the page content. When this feature is not enabled, a page that is blank except for hole marks near the edges may not be considered blank.

Ignore Pictures

Ignores pictures or photos when VRS evaluates the page content. As a result, the clarity improvements are applied to other (non-picture) content on the page.

Intensity of the Output Black and White Image

This setting affects the intensity of the output black and white image. The default value of 128 is neutral. This setting applies only when all of the following conditions exist: VRS is returning a black and white image, the input image is grayscale or color, AutoBrightness=0, and AdvancedClarity=0.

Replaces Hole Marks

Enable this feature to replace hole marks (such as notebook paper hole marks) with the color of the area surrounding the holes.

Skip Auto Crop for message body

When the Auto Crop option is set to On, the email body is also cropped to actual size of the scanned document. To disable the auto cropping of email body, set this option to On.

PDF Scale To

Set the minimum and maximum PDF page dimensions (height and width) for scaling. The input PDF is downscaled if the PDF page dimensions are more than the maximum set value and upscaled if the PDF page dimensions are less than minimum set value. The dimensions are considered in centimeters and supports double data type.

Maximum Resize Height
The maximum height of the PDF page to which the PDF is downscaled.
Maximum Resize Width
The maximum width of the PDF page to which the PDF is downscaled.
Minimum Resize Height
The minimum height of the PDF page to which the PDF is upscaled.

Should be less than Maximum Resize Height value.

Minimum Resize Width
The minimum width of the PDF page to which the PDF is upscaled.

Should be less than Maximum Resize Width value.

  • To scale to the maximum page size, the maximum resize width and height cannot be '0'.

  • To scale to the minimum page size, the minimum resize width and height cannot be '0'.

VRS QC Later

Enable Brightness Out of Range Trap

This feature allows VRS to detect documents with out-of-range brightness.


Use the Threshold to define the valid range for brightness values. When an image is processed, VRS evaluates the resulting image to determine its brightness. Then, VRS compares it to the user-defined acceptable range determined by 128 plus or minus the threshold value. Based on this real-time evaluation, VRS either flags the image as trapped or not. If the image is trapped, the import connector imports the original image and flags the page for VRS QC Later (if supported). Otherwise, the processed image is imported. For example, if the threshold is 10, VRS accepts any image with a detected brightness value ranging from 118 to 138. Therefore, an image with a detected brightness value of 140 would fall outside the valid range. VRS would respond by flagging the image as trapped.