Configure Message fields

Message fields are metadata related to a document such as message subject. These values can be mapped to Kofax Capture batch/folder/document fields.

If a message field is mapped to a Kofax Capture field, it will be automatically populated with the proper value during importing to Kofax Capture.

The message fields mapping can be configured in KC Plug-In, for each destination. See Manage destinations.

Message field


Applicable to


Includes the file names of the converted documents or attachments. For Folder import, this returns the file names of all the converted documents in the folder delimited by ';'. For email import, this returns the file names of the converted attachments of a message delimited by ';'.

When file types are specified in the Allow importing files with formats or Skip importing files fields, the names of all the files types that are imported are listed in the KfxMessageAttachmentList message field.

Email, Folder


Includes the correlation information of the message (for internal use).

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the priority of the message. Reserved for future use. Currently static value 1.

Email, Folder, Fax


Reserved for future use. Currently static value 0.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the message delivery type. Reserved for future use. Currently static string TO.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the file name of the document. For fax server import, this returns the server internal file name of the fax message. This does not return anything for EMAIL and Folder import.



Includes the unique ID of the message given by the Message Connector on message arrival.

Email, Folder, Fax


For email documents: mime-header/message-id

For faxes: server-specific message ID

For file: mime-header or message ID of EML or MSG files.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the number of fax pages in the message.



Includes the number of the sending fax machine.



Includes the error if the message is rejected by Kofax Import Connector.



Includes an additional description if KfxMessageReceptionErrorLevel is non-zero. For messages from KCS, this field contains the KCS error code.



Includes the error level of the received document using the following values: 0 = OK, 1 = partially OK or incomplete, 2 = failed



For emails, this is the time when the Message Connector retrieved the message.

For faxes, this is the time when the message was received by the fax server.

For folder, the time when message was retrieved by the Message Connector.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the list of all the filenames which are skipped from import. The file names are delimited using a semicolon. You can use this field in the subject field or in the body of a notification email.

When file types are specified in the Allow importing files with formats or Skip importing files fields, the names of all the files types that are not imported are listed in the KfxMessageRemovedAttachmentList message field.

Email, Folder


Includes the subject of the message. For faxes, this is "Fax from" + TSI.

For files, this is the subject of an EML or MSG file.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the date and time when the message was sent. Only available for email messages.



Includes a list of the original recipients as specified by the message originator. For TCS, it contains the original number before forwarding by event. For mailbox emails, it contains the To/Cc recipients.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the full name of the message originator.

For faxes, this is the TSI.

For SMTP/POP3/EWS, it’s the originator display name (mime-header/from/mailbox/displayname).

For folder

  • For EML and MSG files, originator display name.

  • For other file types, if trigger file is used, name of trigger file with full path. If trigger file is not used, this will remain blank.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the fax number of the originator (caller ID) or originator email (mime-header/from/mailbox/address) for POP3/SMTP/EWS mail.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the service name of the originator. FAX for fax, EMAIL for email and FOLDER for file.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the full name of the message recipient.

For POP3, this is the mailbox display name.

For folder, this is the watch folder name configured in Kofax Import Connector including the file name.

  • If trigger file is used, file name is the trigger file name.

  • When trigger file option is not used, this returns the imported file name.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the recipient fax number (called party number) or email address.

For SMTP, the first active email recipient. For POP3 the mailbox user name.

For folder, this is the watch folder name configured in Kofax Import Connector including the file name.

  • If trigger file is also imported, file name is the trigger file name. If trigger file is not imported, this may remain blank.

  • When trigger file option is not used, this returns the imported file name.

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the comma separated list of To recipients.

Email, Folder


Includes the comma separated list of Cc recipients.

Email, Folder


Includes the comma separated list of Bcc recipients.

Email, Folder


Includes the service name of the recipient. FAX for fax, EMAIL for email and FOLDER for Folder.

Email, Folder, Fax


The meaning of this message field is different for various inputs

  • FAX: Extension (called-party-number)

  • SMTP: Active email recipient

  • POP3/IMAP/EWS/MS Graph: Mailbox user name

  • FOLDER: Full path of the imported file

  • WEBSERVICE: Empty string

Email, Folder, Fax


Includes the reception time of fax.

Biscom/Right Fax: The start time of fax reception.

KCS: The time when the fax server finished receiving the message.



Includes the folder name of the sub folder from which messages are polled.

For example, if the polling folder is "Inbox" and sub folder is "sub1", then the field will contain "Inbox/sub1".



Includes the type of input source. For email, it is POP3, IMAP, SMTP, or EWS. For fax, it is BISCOM, RightFax or KCS. For file import, it is folder.

Email, Folder, Fax

The message extension fields are reserved for future versions.

Document metadata are also available in Kofax Capture as custom storage strings (for documents and folders) with the prefix ED_CSS_. Custom storage strings can be read via the Kofax Capture API and could be used for example in an export connector or in custom scripts. Refer to Kofax Import Connector Developers Guide for more information about custom storage strings.