Manage logs

Kofax Import Connector provides log files that can help with troubleshooting. Log files are stored in the application/program data folder of all users. The exact path (<path>) depends on the operating system. For example, for Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10, and later, the path is:

  • C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED

Manage logs in Message Connector

The log file in Message Connector contains information about the connections established by Message Connector and error information about failed connections. By default, the Message Converter log file is available at C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED\MC\Log.

The location of Message Connector installation logs depends upon how Message Connector is installed:

  • If Message Connector is installed using the setup.exe, the logs are saved at C:\ProgramData\temp\MC\<instance_number>.
  • If Message Connector is installed using the .msi file, the logs are saved at C:\ProgramData\temp.
  1. Open the Message Connector Configuration utility from the Kofax group in the Windows Start menu.
  2. Click Advanced to display additional configuration options.
  3. Edit the settings on the Advanced tab.
    • The default values (TraceLevel 10 and MessageTraceSize 1) provide basic trace information (that is often sufficient) without negatively impacting performance.

    • Troubleshooting values (TraceLevel 40 and MessageTraceSize 100000) provide other information and are more suitable when duplicating error situations in a controlled environment.

    Refer to the Message Connector Help for more information about the parameters.

  4. Find log files in <path>\MC\log.
  5. Click Save and then click Exit and restart service.

Manage logs in KC Plug-In

  1. Go to the <path>\KC Plug-In\logconfig folder.
  2. Open the file Logger.config in a text editor.
  3. Edit the line starting with "<level value=". Use INFO for normal operation; use DEBUG for troubleshooting.
  4. Find log files in <path>\KC Plug-In\log.
  5. Restart the KC Plug-In service to make the changes effective.

Manage logs in KFXConverter

The log in KFXConverter contains information about all the tasks performed by KFXConverter, and information about the errors that occur while converting the files.

The default name of the log file is KFXConverter.log. The default location is C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KFXConverter. The log contains information about all the tasks performed by KFXConverter, and information about the errors that occur while converting the files.

The maximum log file size is 5 MB. The file is overwritten when the maximum size is reached. You can specify another log file using the command line option: -logFile <path>\<filename>. For example, -logFile C:\temp\mylog.log.

For PDF/A normalization using the Standard option in PDF to PDF/A conversion engine in Message Connector, conversion results are logged in StandardPDFAEngine.log.

For logging additional trace statements in case of errors or exceptions, do the following:

  1. In KC Plug-In Destination configuration, open the required destination.
  2. Select Advanced conversion details and click AdvancedConversions.

    The AdvancedConversionDetails window is displayed.

  3. Set the value of the DebugLog parameter to True.
  4. Click Save and then Close.
  5. Save the destination.

Manage log data size

For Message Connector or KC Plug-In, you can configure different parameters to limit the size of log data.

These parameters are available in the Logger.config file. The default path of this file is:

  • In KC Plug-In: C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED\KCPlugIn
  • In Message Connector: C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED\MC\LogConfig

To maintain the log data size, do the following:

  1. Open the Logger.config file in a text editor.
  2. Configure the following parameters:

    • maximumFileSize: Maximum size of the log file. If size of the log file reaches the configured file size, it is saved as a backup file. For example, logfilename_yyyyMMddHHmmssffff.log. (Default: 5120KB)

    • maxDayRollBackups: Maximum number of days for which backup log files are retained. Any backup log file is deleted after the specified number of days.

      For example, to retain the backup log for three days, configure this settings as shown below:

      <maxDayRollBackups value="3" />

  3. Save and close the file.