Access KC Plug-In

To access KC Plug-In, on a Kofax Capture Network Server remote site, start KC Plug-In from the KIC - Electronic Documents group in the Windows Start menu.

Alternatively, on other Kofax Capture installations, in the Kofax Capture Administration module, select Electronic Documents > Configuration.

The KC Plug-In window opens.

Use the KC Plug-In window to manage the following tasks:

  • Manage connections to Message Connector.

  • Manage the destinations that define how Kofax Capture should handle imported files and messages.

  • Manage assistance tasks such as configuring web services, general settings, and starting and stopping services.

  • Manage XML types to identify XML documents with a particular namespace and root element.

  • Manage EDI types to identify EDI documents with a particular namespace and root element (EDIFACT and X.12).

  • Manage rules to specify the destination to use (by Kofax Capture) for specific types of documents, or documents from a particular source.

  • Configure how KC Plug-In should integrate with Kofax Capture.

How to:

  1. Manage destinations
  2. Manage connections
  3. Manage assistance
  4. Manage XML types
  5. Manage EDI types
  6. Manage rules
  7. Configure integration between KC Plug-In and Kofax Capture