Import settings tab

Use this tab to edit Kofax Capture import parameters.

Destination information


Type a descriptive and unique name for Kofax Capture destination.


Provide additional information in this field. This is optional.

XML type

Select one of the configured XML schemas that should be used to interpret incoming XML documents. The default destination cannot have an XML type. This is optional.

Message content options

Import content

Select the type of document content to be imported into Kofax Capture along with the order. For non-email documents, always select Body first and attachments.

  • Body first and attachments

  • Attachment first and body

  • Attachments

  • Only Body

  • None

Body with message header

Select the desired option for importing the message header of the email. You can also include or exclude the message header of the attached emails.

  • Exclude message header: Excludes the message header of the email.

  • Include message header of email: Includes the message header of the main email.

  • Include message header of email and embedded email(s): Includes the message header of the main email and the attached email(s).

    Additionally, select the Body option for the Handle body of nested emails as field in Document conversion tab of Message Connector Configuration.

Kofax Import Connector can extract up to 10 levels of nested emails.

Extract nested messages

The following table describes how the attached emails are segregated on the basis of their content-type and extension.

Name Content-type and extension Typical occurrence
nested email "message/rfc822"

Extension is not ".mht".

Attached to an incoming email. Depending on the mail client, an email may also be attached as an EML/MSG file.
EML file Not "message/rfc822"

Extension is ".eml"

Imported using folder import
MSG file Not "message/rfc822"

Extension is ".msg"

Imported using folder import

Select one of the following options to handle the extraction of nested messages described above:

  • Import all attached emails as EML/MSG files: Imports the main email and all types of attached emails in the EML/MSG format.

  • Extract nested messages: Extracts the main email, and all nested emails and their attachments as separate files.

  • Extract nested messages and EML files: Imports the nested emails and EML files along with their attachments.

  • Extract nested messages, EML and MSG files (Default): Import nested emails and EML/MSG files along with their attachments.

    • All the above are also applicable to the EML/MSG files which are referenced in the XML files.

    • Nested messages up to five levels are resolved for extraction. Nested messages beyond level five are always returned as EML/MSG file.

Extract files with extension

Enter the file extensions allowed for extraction. Make sure you provide a blank space between each file type entered. Also, a delimiter, semicolon (;) is inserted after each file type when you save the input.

For example, you can enter archive file types as follows: .zip .rar .7z .tar .gz. However, a delimiter is inserted once you save the option:

.zip; .rar; .7z; .tar; .gz

The following file types are supported:

File type If included If not included

ZIP (.zip, .rar, .7z, .tar, and .gz)

The files inside the ZIP file are extracted and converted. N/A

Portfolio PDF

The files embedded inside the Portfolio PDF are extracted and converted. Only the main PDF is converted. The files embedded inside the PDF are not extracted.

MS Office Document (.docx, .xls, .xlsm, .xlsx, and .pptx)

The main document is converted, and the files embedded inside the document are extracted and converted. Only the main document is converted. The files embedded inside the document are not extracted.

If this option is not defined, only the message attachments are converted without extracting and converting the embedded files in the attachments.

If multiple files are embedded, each file is converted into a separate output file.

Include original content

Select this check box if you want to include original document before document conversion.

Include complete message as EML file

Select this check box if you want to include original document in EML format.

Include complete message as MSG file

Select this check box if you want to include original document in MSG format.

Originals import mode

Select one of the following to import the original content to Kofax Capture or to save it to the Kofax Capture batch folder:

  • Save to disk

  • Import into Kofax Capture

This option is only enabled if you have selected "Include original content" or "Include complete message as EML file" or "Include complete message as MSG file".

Import mode

Convert to

Select your preferred conversion format (TIFF or PDF or both).

  • If you do not want to convert your documents, clear both TIFF and PDF, and select one or more of the following options: Include original content, Include complete message as EML file, Include complete message as MSG file. Then set Originals import mode to Import into Kofax Capture.

  • Message Connector returns an error if the PDF to TIFF conversion results in a TIFF file larger than 4 GB.

For information about the rules of applying VRS on the basis of the selected options, see Document extraction/processing rules.

Scale to

Select the minimum and maximum limit for scaling. Kofax Import Connector upscales the image if it is smaller than the minimum value set, and downscales the image if it is larger than the maximum value set.

If the minimum value is set to Unlimited and the size of the image is less than 16x16 pixels, the image is upscaled to at least 16x16 pixels to import it into Kofax Capture. The aspect ratio is adjusted automatically for such images.

However, You can skip images smaller than 16x16 pixels using the Skip importing files option (using image size). For more information, see Advanced Conversion and Import tab.

No scaling (Default)

B6: 125mm x 176mm

Ledger: 11.0" x 17.0"

JIS B3: 364mm x 515mm

Legal : 8.5" x 14"

JIS B4: 257mm x 364mm

Letter : 8.5" x 11"

JIS B5 : 182mm x 257mm

Executive: 10.5" x 7.25"

JIS B6 : 128mm x 182mm

Half-Letter: 5.5'' x 8.5"

C3: 324mm x 458mm

A3: 297mm x 420mm

C4: 229mm x 324mm

A4: 210mm x 297mm

C5: 162mm x 229mm

A5: 148mm x 210mm

C6: 114mm x 162mm

A6: 105mm x 148mm

Match best: This option matches the document size with the nearest available page size.

B3: 353mm x 500mm

Match best Euro: This option matches the document size with only the standard European page sizes.

B4: 250mm x 353mm

Match best US: This option matches the document size with only the standard US paper sizes (letter and legal).

B5: 176mm x 250mm

  • Page size scaling does not apply for documents (such as, Word, Excel, text, PDF) to PDF conversion. You can perform page size scaling for document/image to TIFF conversion.

  • Match best, Match best US and Match best Euro option are only applicable for PDF to TIFF conversion. At the time of matching the best page size, "Width" has higher precedence over "aspect ratio (width/height)".

Auto select page orientation: Select to automatically set the page orientation depending on the image imported.

Keep aspect ration: Select to maintain the aspect ratio during conversion.

Conversion mode

Select the content type in the document for conversion:

  • Convert only non image content and normalize images: Converts non-image content and additionally normalizes images.

  • Convert only non image content: Converts only the non-image content and images are not changed.

  • Convert all content: Converts images as well as non-image content to configured format.

Image format

If you select to convert documents into images, select the resolution and color of the converted document. The supported combinations are:

  • 200x200 DPI, black and white

  • 200x200 DPI, color

  • 200x200 DPI, grayscale

  • 300x300 DPI, black and white

  • 300x300 DPI, color

  • 300x300 DPI, grayscale

  • Images are converted only if image resolution is higher than requested or if horizontal and vertical resolutions are not equal.

  • JPEG-encoded color TIF documents are not converted to grayscale.

Compress image to

Specify the image compression value. The value 100 means no compression. This only applies to grayscale and color TIFF images. Compression may affect image quality.

Message rendering

Select this option to render metadata and XML documents to PDF or TIFF format. The parameters Convert to and Conversion Mode are also applied to XML rendering.

  • Show Files for Visual Designer: Displays the folder with files for Altova StyleVision. You can then use StyleVision to create a transformation style sheet that defines how information should be organized in PDF/TIFF format.

  • Preview: Shows the preview of a rendered XML document (or the rendered metadata.)


Improves the quality of incoming images in order to make it easier for Kofax Capture to understand them.

  • None: Disables VRS for all content.

  • VRS all images: Applies VRS settings to all the converted images. That is, the files that were converted to image format by import connector are processed by VRS.

  • VRS only original image content: Applies VRS processing only to the converted files for which the input file is in image format.

VRS Settings

Click to display the VRS Settings window.

Use VRS engine for PDF to TIFF conversion

If VRS is enabled, to improve PDF documents, select this check box to use the VRS engine for PDF to TIFF conversion.

You must select PDF as your Convert to format to use this feature. Otherwise the PDF is converted to TIFF before reaching VRS.

This option allows you to process larger PDF documents.

Use deprecated VRS handling

Select this option to use the VRS function for processing original content. When VRS is enabled, this option also creates a duplicate of original input image file. This option is only available when Include original content is selected.

This feature was available in Kofax Import Connector version or older version.

Batch settings

Batch size

Enter the number of messages to be grouped in one Kofax Capture batch. For example, with Batch size = 1, a new batch is created for each incoming message. With Batch size = 5, the Kofax Import Connector instance waits until five messages are available (unless the Batch timeout is reached before that) and then it creates a single batch with all messages.

  • For folder import, each file is considered as a message.
  • For email import, each email is considered as a message. The number of attachments in an email are not counted as a message.

Maximum limit for a Batch size is 100. If you specify a Batch size value more than 100, it is automatically set back to 100.

Batch timeout

Enter the timeout value in seconds. After this time, a batch is closed and sent to Kofax Capture, even if the maximum number of messages in a batch is not reached.

Batch priority

This is the Kofax Capture batch priority.