Use Kofax Monitor

Kofax Monitor can be used to monitor the operation of Kofax Import Connector. A web service interface is used to provide information to Kofax Monitor.

Several counters are available for monitoring MC and KC Plug-In.

You can use the Web Service Wizard from the Kofax Monitor Admin Console to set up these counters.

Counters for monitoring Message Connector

The following counters are available for monitoring Message Connector.

Web Service




Shows the run state of Message Connector.

  • 0: Not running,

  • 80: Storage full, no documents accepted into storage; import to Kofax Capture continues

  • 100: Running


Shows how full is the storage of Message Connector, in percent.


Shows the number of messages that could not be imported to Kofax Capture and need to be processed.



Shows the number of messages waiting to be imported to Kofax Capture per media type. The text parameter MediaType may have to following values:

  • ALL (default)

  • FAX




The following counters are available for monitoring KC Plug-In. A full description of the counters is available in Kofax Import Connector Developers Guide.

Web Service




Shows the state of feature licenses and a list of connections.



Shows if the specified connection is active and connected.


Shows the names of all connections.


Shows the state of Kofax Import Connector feature licenses.

Configure counters

  1. Start Message Connector Configuration utility from the Kofax Import Connector group in the Windows Start menu.
  2. On the General tab, enter the Own Computer Name.
  3. Click Advanced and review the settings on the HTTP tab.
  4. Click Save. Click Exit and restart service.
  5. Start Kofax Capture Administration from the Kofax Capture group in the Windows Start menu.
  6. On the menu, select Electronic Documents > Configuration and review the Web Services Configuration. Restart KC Plug-In service if you do any changes.
  7. Start the Kofax Monitor Admin Console.
  8. Click Add Test Using Wizard and select Web Service Wizard.
  9. Use the wizard to configure the counter.
    1. Enter the Web Service WSDL, for example, https://messageconnector:25086/file/Monitor.wsdl or http://kcplugin:8001/KIC-Electronic-Documents?wsdl. Use the information from steps 3 and 6.
    2. Select one of the methods. Use only the web services listed in the table above.
    3. Configure the details of the test. For example, you can create a "Connectivity" test, using the GetRunState method, with "100" as the expected response.
    4. Click Add Test and conclude the wizard.