Email Notifications and Archiving tab

Kofax Import Connector can send notifications about incoming documents to a fixed email address. These notifications are available for all import connectors.

Additional notifications can be sent to the originator of email messages. This function is only available for incoming email import (where the email address of the originator is known).

Successfully imported

Select this option to configure notifications or archive options for successfully created batches.

Partially imported

Select this option to configure notifications or archive options for batches that have been created but there were some problems. For example, errors during document conversion, faxes with reception error, documents failed during XML schema validation when the "Do not apply XML handling" option is selected.

Not imported

Select this option to configure notifications or archive options for cases where no batch has been created. For example, invalid batch name, fax message without image pages, invalid XML documents when "Reject Message" is selected, and so on.

Email Notification

Kofax Import Connector tries to deliver the notification email messages via SMTP. If all retry attempts fail, there is no further notification. Active and processed notifications can be viewed with the Message Connector Monitor (processed notifications are deleted when storage space is required for new documents).

To send messages, Kofax Import Connector must know your outgoing SMTP server. Go to the Message Connector configuration, "Email outbound" tab. Work with your email server administrator to set these options.

Send message to originator

Select this check box to enable notification messages. Notifications are sent only for email messages and they are sent to the message originator.

Send message

Select this check box to enable notification messages. Notifications are sent for all import connectors. Specify all the email addresses where the notifications should be sent. All email addresses must be delimited by space. Specify the email addresses in the following fields as required:

  • To

  • Cc

  • Bcc

Attach original message

Select this check box to attach the original message (in EML format) to the notification mail.

Include attachments

Clear this check box to exclude the attachments of the original message from the notification mail. By default, when the Attach original message option is selected, attachments of the original mail are also attached to the notification mail.

If the original email does not contains body, an empty email is generated when the "Include attachments" checkbox is not selected.

Message From

Enter the email address that should be displayed as the originator of the notification message.


Enter message subject. You can use the metadata of the original message using the Fields list box.

Message text

Enter message text. You can use the metadata of the original message using the Fields list box.


Double-click a field to insert it to subject or message text. The field will retrieve the metadata from the original message at the time of sending the email. For example, if you use the KfxOriginatorService field, it will be replaced by the service name of the originator, such as EMAIL, FAX, or FOLDER.

For description and usage of the message fields, see Configure Message fields.


Kofax Import Connector can save the processed documents to a folder for archiving.

Save to folder

Select this check box to enable archiving of documents.

Folder location

Enter the path to a local folder on the Message Connector computer or a network folder where documents should be archived, ending with a backslash. For example, C:\Archive\.

Sub folder and file prefix

Enter the name of the subfolder and the prefix of archived files. You can use metadata of the batch. For example, {Import-Date-Long}\{Batch-Id} _{Batchclass}\prefix_. {Batch-Id} is a mandatory part of this parameter.

Test button

Click to verify that the selected Message Connector can connect to the folder. If there is no Message Connector configured in KC Plug-In, the button is disabled.


Double-click a field to insert it to the Subfolder and file prefix field.


Select one or more formats for the documents that should be saved to a folder. Supported formats are:

  • File: Archives the message body in a text file and all attachments in separate files.

  • EML: Archives the message body and the attachments as a single EML file.

  • XML: Archive the message metadata in an XML file (custom Kofax format).

Additionally, in the Message Connector Configuration, Security options tab, you can to disable archiving completely, restrict archiving to a specific folder, and configure Windows user name and password. These credentials are used to access the archiving folder. If these credentials are not set, the archiving folder must be accessible for the Network Service user.