Document conversion in Message Connector

Kofax Import Connector can convert text, HTML,, and Microsoft Office documents to a format readable by Kofax Capture. It can also convert images. Supported formats depend on the available converter tools. Refer to the Kofax Import Connector Installation Guide for details.

Use the following procedure to set up the general document conversion capabilities of a Message Connector.

  1. From the Windows Start menu, go to Message Connector > Message Connecter Configuration.
  2. Expand the Document Conversion tab.
  3. Select Enable Decompression to extract documents from compressed files. The following formats/extensions are supported: ZIP, RAR, 7z, TAR, and GZIP. Extraction happens before regular document conversion, that is, a Word document extracted from a ZIP file can be further converted into PDF. Extraction is repeated if the extracted file is another compressed file (such as ZIP within ZIP), until all compressed files are extracted. A ZIP file containing multiple files with same name is also extracted. The following restrictions apply:
    • Does not extract the password-protected compressed files.

    • Does not support archives split into multiple volumes.

    • Does not further extract or convert the EML documents from compressed files.

    • Discards the compressed files if the extraction ends without error. Archives the extracted files, not the compressed ones, when archiving to the folder is enabled.

  4. Select the tool for converting Microsoft Office and selected Open Office documents.
    • Microsoft Office

    • Open/Libre Office

    • KFXConverter

    • <disabled>

  5. Select the tool for converting MHTML and HTML documents.
  6. If you select as a conversion tool in step 4, ensure you have installed the necessary extension. Refer to the Kofax Import Connector Installation Guide.
  7. If you select Microsoft Office as a conversion tool in either step 4 or step 5, and you are using Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10, or later as operating system, select the Windows user account to be used for Microsoft Office DCOM automation.

    • For initial tests and troubleshooting, you may use the interactive user.
    • For production use, you must specify an administrator user.

  8. Click Advanced. In the Security Options tab, verify that document conversion is not disabled.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Exit and restart service.

Use destinations and rules to configure what document conversion should be performed for a particular document. See Manage destinations and Add a rule.