Update import connector password using Command Prompt

You can change the password for existing connections without using the KC Plug-In user interface by providing the new password values in an XML file, which is a subset of the KIC-ED-KCPlugin.xml file or via Command Prompt.

You can change the connection passwords for the following import types: Mailbox, Folder, and Fax Server.


Close the KC Plug-In UI and Kofax Capture Administration module before updating the password.

Update multiple passwords (using XML file)

To change the password for an existing connection:

  1. Open the XML file.

  2. Encode the new password values in the <ModifyConfig> element as shown in the following example.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ModifyConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Version="2.5">

    • The <Password> element must have Base64 encoded password prefixed with ".:" (without quotes).

    • You can validate the input XML using the ModifyKicConfig.XSD file. Default path:


Do the following:

  1. Start Windows Command Prompt in the KC PlugIn installation folder. Default path:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\KIC-ED\KCPlugIn\Bin

  2. Run the following command:
    KCSImportConnectorConfigExe.exe ModifyConfig "<ConfigUpdateFile>"


    ModifyConfig: A command line switch for informing KCImportConnectorConfigExe.exe to update the connection password. This is not case-sensitive.

    <ConfigUpdateFile>: The full path and name of the XML file that contains the new configuration.


    KCSImportConnectorConfigExe.exe modifyconfig "D:\KIC\Dynamic password\KIC-ED-KCPlugIn-UP_pop.xml"

    Whether the password update failed or was successful, the respective message is displayed on the Command Prompt.

Update single password

Do the following to change the password.

  1. Go to Windows Start Menu > Command Prompt.

    The Command Prompt window is displayed.

  2. Run the following command:
    KCSImportConnectorConfigExe.exe modifyconfigvalue <PASSWORD_PATH> /base64 <NEW_PASSWORD_BASE64_ENCODED>


    • <PASSWORD_PATH> is the path mentioned in KIC-ED-KCPlugin.xml for different import types, such as:

      • For Fax server: ConnectionId(<CONNECTION_ID_VALUE>)/FaxImportId(<IMPORT_CONNECTOR_ID_VALUE>)/Password
      • For mailbox: ConnectionId(<CONNECTION_ID_VALUE>)/MailboxImportId(<IMPORT_CONNECTOR_ID_VALUE>)/Password

      • For folder: ConnectionId(<CONNECTION_ID_VALUE>)/FolderImportId(<IMPORT_CONNECTOR_ID_VALUE>)/Password

      • Fetch the ID values of different import connectors from the KIC Plug-In config file.

    • <NEW_PASSWORD_BASE64_ENCODED> is the new password. The password must be a UFT 8 character set base64 password.


    • KCSImportConnectorConfigExe.exe modifyconfigvalue ConnectionId(2)/FolderImportId(4)/Password /base64 cGFzc3dvcmQ=

    • KCSImportConnectorConfigExe.exe modifyconfigvalue ConnectionId(2)/MailboxImportId(2)/Password /base64 cGFzc3dvcmQ=

    • KCSImportConnectorConfigExe.exe modifyconfigvalue ConnectionId(2)/FaxImportId(2)/Password /base64 cGFzc3dvcmQ=

    The status of the password update is displayed in the command window.