Change documents order for Portfolio PDF extraction

You can change the order in which the documents are extracted from a Portfolio PDF. You can set the order to ascending or the order in which the files were added to the portfolio PDF.

  1. Open the Create_config.xslt file from the following location:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\KIC-ED\MC\xcd

  2. Go to the DecompressConversions\Conversion section.

    By default, the value of the Flag parameter is set to 1 in the pdf conversion section. The extracted documents are sorted in the order in which the files were added to the portfolio PDF.

  3. Change the Flag value to 0 to sort the extracted documents in ascending order by document name.


    <!-- extract portfolio pdf -->

  4. Run the configure.bat file from the below location:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\KIC-ED\MC

  5. Restart the Message Connector and KC Plug-In services.