Access Microsoft Azure Container via REST

Use this procedure to configure folder import settings to access files from Microsoft Azure Container using REST (REpresentational State Transfer).

  1. Start KC Plug-In configuration. Do one of the following:
    • On a Kofax Capture Network Server remote site, start KC Plug-In from the KIC - Electronic Documents group in the Windows Start menu.

    • On other Kofax Capture installations, start Kofax Capture Administration and select Electronic Documents > Configuration.

  2. Connect KC Plug-In to a Message Connector or edit one of the existing connections. See Add a connection.
  3. In the Connection configuration window, click Add and select Folder import.
  4. Enter a descriptive Display name.
  5. In the Poll cycle in seconds field, specify how often should the folder be checked for new documents. The maximum value is 86400 seconds, that is, 24 hours.
  6. Select Storage type as Microsoft Azure Container via REST to access the cloud folder location.
  7. In the Watched folder url text box, enter the url to access the watch folder on Azure Container.

    Do the following if you want to use folders inside the Azure container as the watched folder (other than the container):

    • If URL of the Azure container is as follows:

    • To select a folder 'test' inside the container as watched folder, append the folder name to the Azure container URL as follows:

  8. In the Storage account text box, enter the cloud storage account name of the watched folder.
  9. In the Storage access key text box, enter the access key of the cloud storage account.
  10. Click Test folder import to verify that Kofax Import Connector can connect to the specified folder.

    If you are testing a network folder, having a Windows Explorer window open displaying the content of the folder might occasionally prevent the test button to connect.

  11. Optional. Go to the Advanced tab to configure additional parameters. Otherwise, continue with step 16.
  12. Select Process subfolders to monitor the immediate subfolders of the watched folder. Select Include watched folder to monitor the watched folder itself. In Maximum subfolder level, configure the level of nested subfolders to process.

    In Windows operating system, the maximum path length is 260 characters. If the number of characters in the path exceeds this limit, the path is considered invalid and the files are not imported.

  13. To delete the empty subfolders after importing the files, select Delete empty folder structures.
  14. In the File mask field, enter a comma separated list of files that should be imported from the folder. You can use wildcards: The asterisk character ("*") substitutes for any zero or more characters, and the question mark ("?") substitutes for any one character. If you are using trigger files, this field is disabled (see below).
  15. Select File Detection Mode to make sure that files are completely copied to the watched folder before importing. Select one of the options:
    • File not modified since: To force Kofax Import Connector to wait for the specified number of seconds after the file was last accessed.

    • Use trigger: First copy a document (or a folder containing documents) to the watched folder and then create a trigger file to indicates that the document (or folder) is ready for importing.

    1. In the Trigger file mask field enter a trigger file, such as "*.trg" (or a comma separated list of trigger files). You can use wildcards: The asterisk character ("*") substitutes for any zero or more characters, and the question mark ("?") substitutes for any one character.
    2. Select one of the following options to specify whether the trigger refers to documents or folders:
      • Files in the same directory with the same base name: Kofax Import Connector cuts the extension from the trigger file name and searches for documents with the same base name in the same folder. For example, with trigger file mask "*.trg" and trigger file "001.trg", all documents matching "001.*" (except the trigger file) are imported.

      • All files in the same directory: Imports all documents from the same folder (except the trigger file). For example, when the trigger file ready-to-be-imported.trg appears in a watched folder, all other documents in the folder are imported.

      • All files in the subfolder with the same base name: Kofax Import Connector cuts the extension from the trigger file name and searches for a subfolder with the same name. All documents from the subfolder are imported.

        The trigger file must have an extension.

      • Import all files in a folder matching file mask: Kofax Import Connector looks for a folder with name that matches the trigger file mask. All documents from the folder are imported.

    3. Select one of the options to specify what to do with the trigger files after import:
      • Delete: Deletes the file.

      • Rename extension to: Specify an extension to rename it.

    4. Select Import trigger file to import the content of the trigger file. If clear, the content of the trigger file is not relevant and is deleted/renamed after the other documents are imported.
  16. Select File Import Mode to determine how XML documents should be handled.
    • Automatic to parse the XML documents. If an XML document is identified as one of the configured XML types, it is handled accordingly. If the document structure does not match any of the configured XML types, it is considered as a binary document.

    • Custom to restrict what type of XML is accepted. For example, if you select only "Kofax Capture XML", all incoming XML files are treated as XML Import Connector compatible files.

    • Binary to import XML documents as binary files.

  17. Click OK to close the connection configuration window. Restart the KC Plug-In service.

Additional configuration options related to folder import are available in the Message Connector configuration, in the Security Options tab.

  • Disable Folder Import to disable the feature completely.

  • Folder Input Base Directory to restrict the folder which can be configured as the watched folder.

  • For Azure Blob storage account, it is mandatory to enable "Hierarchical namespace feature". Else, there might be some issues in accessing the storage.

    For more information see, Azure Blob hierarchical namespace error.

  • Kofax Import Connector cannot import documents that have the read-only attribute enabled.

    For information about importing EML and MSG files, see Import MSG and EML files from folder.