Edit Document window

Use this window to train extraction fields for the trainable locators, such as the Amount Group Locator, the Invoice Group Locator, the Order Group Locator, the Trainable Group Locator as well as the Table Locator, the Text Content Locator, and the Trainable Evaluator.

You can interactively train the extraction fields on the document and validate the document. To train a table for a Table Locator several training steps are needed and therefore an additional window is shown.

Note The windows displays only those extraction fields that are assigned to a trainable locator and in the order that they are defined in the Project Tree.

The user interface is separated into three distinct areas. The menu and toolbar are displayed across the top of the window. The Fields pane on the left shows the fields for the added trainable locators and the right pane displays the document in a viewer.

Table fields cannot be trained by simply assigning values to separate table cells. As the number of rows can differ from one document to another, several training steps are needed to define a master item, a line item template, the table columns, and if wanted, anchors. After the document fields are filled you can validate the document and add it to the training directory and continue for the next document or exit the training window.

You can skip training for a field by clearing the check box that is located left beside the field. This flag can also be used in script to control whether a field on a document that is marked for online learning is trained or if the training is suppressed.

You can do the following:

Table 1. Toolbar Options.

This toolbar provides the available options for editing a document and then adding it to your Extraction Set.

Note These options are also available in the Menu.
Option Name and Description

Save and Exit icon

Save + Exit

Saves the changes and closes the window.

Validate Document icon

Validate Document

Checks the document for internal consistency and other types of problems, and displays any errors in the status bar.

Add to Training Folder icon

Add To Training Set

Adds the document to the training directory.

Delete icon


Deletes the document from the training directory.

First Page icon

First Page

Navigates to the first page in the current document.

Previous Page icon

Previous Page

Navigates to the previous page in the current document.

Next Page icon

Next Page

Navigates to the next page in the current document.

Last Page icon

Last Page

Navigates to the last page in the current document.

First Document icon

First Document

Navigates to the first document.

Previous Document icon

Previous Document

Navigates to the previous document.

Next Document icon

Next Document

Navigates to the next document.

Last Document icon

Last Document

Navigates to the last document.

Next Field icon

Next Field

Navigates to the next field.

Previous Field icon

Previous Field

Navigates to the Previous field.

Clear Current Field icon

Clear Current Field

Removes the content from the current field.

Clear All Fields icon

Clear All Fields

Removes the content from all fields.

No Highlighting icon

No Highlighting

Disables the highlighting for the extracted fields.

Highlight Fields icon

Highlight Fields

Enables the highlighting for the extracted fields.

Highlight Fields and Keywords icon

Highlight Fields and Keywords

Enables the highlighting for keywords and trained fields.

Zoom In icon

Zoom In

Increases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Zoom Out icon

Zoom Out

Decreases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Fit to Page icon

Best Fit

Adjusts the magnification of the image so it fits within the Document Viewer.

Help icon


Displays the Help for this window.