Subfields tab - Properties of Advanced Evaluator window

The Advanced Evaluator - Subfields tab is broken down into two distinct areas.

Available Subfields

This group contains a list of the predefined invoice subfields. You can manage the list of available subfields using the following buttons:


Opens a window so you can add a new custom subfield. Once added, the custom subfield is displayed at the bottom of the list.


Removes the selected subfield from the list of available subfields.

Move to Evaluator Subfields

This button is only available when one of the available subfields is selected. Moves the selected subfield from the Available Subfields list to the Evaluator Subfields list.

Move to Available Subfields

This button is only available when one of the evaluator subfields is selected. Moves the selected subfield from the Evaluator Subfields list back to the Available Subfields list.


This option is only available for custom subfields. Opens a window so you can rename the selected subfield in either list.

Evaluator Subfields

This group contains a list of subfields that are added for evaluation. You can manage the subfields that are added for evaluation using the following buttons:

Move Up

Moves the selected subfield up one position in the Evaluator Subfields list.

Move Down

Moves the selected subfield down one position in the Evaluator Subfields list.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.