Edit Table Header Pack window

This window is used to train a pack for the header lines and keywords of tables. A toolbar provides quick access to the main features. Below the toolbar a pane consisting of the following tabs is shown:


Use this tab to show the number of trained header lines, and non-header lines and the quality of the table header pack.


Use this tab to add comments about the table header pack.


Use this tab to show the list of header columns and their corresponding keywords.

What to do

Use this tab information about what the Edit Table Header Pack window is used for.

How to do it

Use this tab to view information how to handle various features of the Edit Table Header Pack window.

Below the tabs pane a Viewer pane is shown that displays the currently selected test document. Any header lines are displayed in green.

The Viewer pane consists of two different types of viewers, a snippet and an image viewer. When configuring heading rows, the following options are available:

These lines were identified as headers

This is where any header line snippets are displayed with the following options:

  • Snippet Viewer - this viewer displays the header line for the currently selected document as it is recognized by the current table header pack. If the shown line is not correct, the header line of this document should be added as new header line.

  • Shortcut menu - a header line consists of various header columns where different keywords are used. Draw a rectangle around a column, and a shortcut menu displays the list of all available header columns. To train a keyword, draw a rectangle around the column heading in the snippet with your mouse, and select the corresponding header column from the list. The selected keyword is added to the list of keywords for this column in the Headers tab.

Image Viewer

Displays the document that is selected in the Documents window. Use the Previous Document and Next Document button from the toolbar to navigate through the document set. The following options are available:

  • Line Recognition - move the mouse over a document, and the detected line is highlighted. A tooltip shows the recognition result.

  • Zoom - use your mouse to zoom in or out on the image.

The following toolbar options are available:

Table 1. Edit Table Header Pack Toolbar
Option Name and Description

Previous Document icon

Previous Document

Navigates to the previous document in the selected document set

Next Document icon

Next Document

Navigates to the next document in the selected document set.

Zoom In icon

Zoom In

Increases the magnification of the current page.

Zoom Out icon

Zoom Out

Decreases the magnification of the current page.

Fit to Page icon

Best Fit

Adjusts the size of the image displayed in the viewer.

Edit Training Data icon

Edit training data for header lines

Displays the Edit Header Lines window to see the list of header and non header lines, and to edit them when necessary.

Help icon


Displays the Help.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.