Project Tree window

This window is broken down into two areas. The top row is a group of icons that enable you to filter or collapse the hierarchy.

The rest of the window has an interactive project hierarchy that contains all classes and other related items used to configure your project.

You can add, delete, modify, and reorder these items as required.

The options at the top of the Project Tree are as follows:

Option Name and Description

Type to search


All Project Tree items that match the entered search term are displayed, even those items are hidden inside a class.

Project Tree - Project icon

Show Inherited Items or Hide Inherited Items

Click this button to exclude inherited items in the search. Click again to include inherited items.

Project Tree - Project icon

Hide All Details

This option hides any displayed class details, but leaves the expanded or collapsed state of the Project Tree unaffected.

Project Tree - Project icon

Default Layout

This option hides any class details and collapses the Project Tree so that only the classes are displayed.

Note The Project Tree does not always display the contents of a class. If the Show Class Details Show Class Contents icon icon is displayed, the class contents are hidden. You can click this icon to make the class contents visible. Similarly, you can hide the class contents by clicking Hide Class Details Hide Class Contents icon.

Each item in the Project Tree has an icon to indicate its type. When an item is selected, its properties are displayed in the Details window. These properties can be modified to update the project. You can also select multiple items. Any common properties between the selected items can be modified as needed. The following items may be shown in the class hierarchy, depending on project configuration:

Option Name and Description

Project Tree - Project icon


This is the root item for the entire project. Some read-only information about the project and a limited number of options are available at this level in the project.

Project Tree - Project Class icon

Project Class

This is the parent class of the project. Any items added to this class are inherited by all other classes in the project.

Project Tree - Class icon

Default Class

This is the default class in the project. Depending on how your project is configured, any unknown documents are automatically classified as this class.

Important As long as a child item within a class is selected, the class selection is implied. If you select a locator for a class and then open your Classification Training document set, any classification training documents for the class of the locator are displayed.

Project Tree - Classes icon

A collection of Classes

If at least one class is present, this collection can be expanded. This grouping enables you to collapse the collection when focusing on other areas of your project.

Project Tree - Class icon


A class represents how a specific type of document is processed. As a result, each class tends to have one or more fields and locators. You can expand a class to see its child classes or view its contents.

Note Class contents such as locators, fields, classification instructions, structure rules, and child classes are hidden by default.
Important As long as a child item within a class is selected, the class selection is implied. If you select a locator for a class and then open your Classification Training document set, any classification training documents for the class of the locator are displayed.

Project Tree - Fields icon

A collection of Fields

If there is at least one field group, this collection can be expanded. This grouping enables you to collapse the collection when focusing on other areas of your project.

Project Tree Field Group icon

Field Group

Field groups are a useful way of organizing fields into smaller groups based on function or data type. These groups can contain both simple fields and table fields. Field groups created in Transformation Designer are automatically created in Kofax TotalAgility TotalAgility Designer when the project is saved. This eliminates the need to create field groups and fields in TotalAgility Designer if you want a specific structure.

Project Tree - Field icon

Simple Field

Simple fields are the most common type of field. These fields typically contain a single piece of information extracted from a document during processing.

Project Tree - Table Field icon

Table Field

Table fields contain many pieces of extracted data from a document. Each cell in the table contains extracted data, but instead of configuring each cell separately using simple fields, a table field in partnership with a table model and a locator, does this automatically.

Project Tree - Locators icon

A collection of Locators

If at least one locator is present in a class, this collection can be expanded. This grouping enables you to collapse the collection when focusing on other areas of your project.

Project Tree - Locator icon/Project Tree - Inherited Locator icon


When a locator is first added to the Project Tree, it is identified using the general Locator icon Project Tree - Locator icon. Once a locator is assigned a locator method, an evaluator method, or a trainable locator method, the icon is updated to show the icon for the specific locator type.

Inherited locators do not show their specific locator icon. Instead, they show the Inherited Locator icon Project Tree - Inherited Locator icon. By selecting any locator in the Project Tree, you can view its properties and configure your extraction settings.

Project Tree - Instructions icon


Any Instructions added to your project are visible in the Details window when this item is selected.

You can use drag-and-drop to move a class in the Project Tree. You can also select multiple classes on the same level and drag them to a new position in the Project Tree. For example, if you want to remove a class level you can move all child classes of a parent class to an upper level.

You cannot use drag-and-drop for other items in the Project Tree.

Instead to change the order of items such as locators, you can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.