Choose Project Version with Desired Local Changes window

If you have a project with local changes and then upgrade a package to a newer version, it is possible to merge the previous local changes to the current version.

The following guidelines should be met when customizing your project.

Tip Keep notes of all changes made to a project. This is so that you can manually redo them if necessary, and to confirm if a merge is successful.
  • It is important that you do not delete, move, or rename any Classes, Field Groups, Fields, or locators in the project. If you delete one of these items and then add it back, the internal ID is no longer the same.

  • All new Classes, Field Groups, Fields, or Locators should have a name that will not conflict with future releases of the solution. For example, add the Custom_ prefix to all added items.

  • Add script below the marking line that says ' Modify script only below this line. Any modifications above that line can cause problems with the package, and are not included in a merge.

  • In script, refer to lookup fields and other items by their name and not by their index IDs. This is because the indexes can change and the names are not likely to change.

  • Do not remove any Databases, Dictionaries, Recognition Profiles, Table Models, or other dependent settings.

  • You can modify Recognition Profiles by adding an additional language.

When this window is opened, a list of the version for the current project are displayed. Select the version with the desired local changes and click OK.

Click Cancel to close the window and return to your project without making any changes.

Note Document sets and training sets are not included in the merge process. This means that if you have documents in either the Classification Set or the Extraction Set, make a copy of these outside of the project folder to ensure that they are not lost during the merge. You can copy them back after the merge.