Search Masks tab - Properties of Database Locator window

This tab enables users to add, view, and modify any search masks for this locator. There always should be at least one search mask, and the default search mask has all database fields selected.

You can manage your search masks using the following buttons:


Creates a new search mask that has all database fields selected so you can modify it as necessary.


Removes the selected search mask from the list.

The fields listed in the table depend on the database that is selected. There first column however, always remains the same.

All fields mandatory

If this option is selected, then all fields in the search mask need to be found on the document. This option is cleared by default.

Note Fields that are not selected on the Field Name pane in the Database Options cannot be selected within the search mask and are disabled.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.