Cells tab - Properties of Table Locator window

Use the Cells tab to divide the master item into individual columns and cells. This tab is only enabled if you have selected the Manual detection method or if you train a table layout.

Model Column Mapping

This group lists the table columns based on the table model. The Cell option indicates what columns are defined for this line item. Undefined columns are not recognized by the Table Locator.

Cell Settings

This group has the following options:

Model column

This option shows the assigned model column of the currently selected table cell. By changing this value the currently selected cell is assigned to the new model column. The value for this option is set to empty by default.


Select this option if the cell may not be present in all line items. This option is cleared by default.

Allow big gaps

Select this option if the cell can have big gaps between the words. If you leave this unchecked, words within this cell cannot be further apart than 100 pixels. This option is cleared by default.


This value shows the text line that indicates where the cell begins. If the value is -1, increase the height of the cell using the mouse. For the value to become positive, there should be enough space between the text and cell border. The value for this option is set to empty by default.

Cell type

Select the type of data expected to be found in the cell from the list. This setting is recognized automatically when you draw the cell, but you can change it here if necessary. The value for this option is set to empty by default.

Min. number of lines

For a cell where the number of lines can vary from one row to another, you can define a minimum number of lines the cell can have. The value for this option is set to 1 by default.

Max. number of lines

For a cell where the number of lines can vary from one row to another, you can define a maximum number of lines the cell can have. The value for this option is set to 1 by default.

Note For a previous version this functionality was achieved by defining a number of lines for the cell and additional script programming. This solution still works, but you also can update the Table Locator and use min./max. number of lines values instead.

This group has the following option:


An anchor is an item that can be used to help locate a line item in the table, but is not actual data that can be mapped to a model column. The value for this option is set to empty by default.

Click Draw Anchor if the next cell you want to draw is not one of the model columns, but rather an anchor. The text box shows how many anchors are being used.


This group shows an enlarged version of the master item. You can zoom with the mouse wheel and scroll as in any other viewer. When you draw the rectangle for a cell, the rectangle snaps around the items you selected, but the size of the bounding box can be adjusted later by dragging its edit handles. Below each cell, the name of the assigned column is shown. Anchor cells are shown in green, while cells assigned to a column are blue. Optional cells are a lighter blue.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.