Details window

The contents of this window depend on what is selected in the Project Tree and dynamically updates when a new item is selected. For example, if you select a class, the details about the selected class are displayed. Selecting the project root node means that the project details are displayed.

This window also supports multiple selection. If multiple Project Tree items are selected, their common details are displayed in the details window, and can be updated simultaneously without needing to open each item separately.

A grid containing the selected items and their corresponding editable options is displayed, and any changed made here are applied to each item when the changes are saved.

The following table shows what details are displayed based on selection:

Project Tree Selection Information Displayed in the Details Window

Project Tree - Project icon

Project details

Project Tree - Project Class icon

Project Class details

Project Tree - Classes icon

An overview of classes is displayed by double-clicking this item or by pressing the "Show Classes in Multi-Selection" button

Project Tree - Class icon

Class details

Project Tree - Locators icon

Common details for a collection of locators within a class

Project Tree - Locator icon

Locator details

Project Tree - Fields icon

An overview for a collection of fields within a class can be displayed by double-clicking this item or by pressing the "Show Fields in Multi-Selection" button

Project Tree - Field icon

Simple field details

Project Tree - Table Field icon

Table field details

Project Tree - Instructions icon

Classification Instruction details