Keyboard shortcut keys

The following table lists the Transformation Designer key combinations you can press to have quick access to the selected command:

Table 1. Transformation Designer Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Key Description

Ctrl + H

Displays the Assign class pane in the Documents window. You can then assign a class to the document.

Ctrl + N

Opens the New Project window. You can then create a new project.

Ctrl + O

Opens an existing project.

Ctrl + S

Saves the project.

Ctrl + P

Opens the Project Settings window. You can then configure your settings on various tabs.


Displays the Help.

Alt + F1

Opens the About window to display program information.


Depending on where the focus is set in the user interface, the selected item becomes editable to rename.


Performs full text recognition using the default profile for the recognition settings.

Shift + F4

Performs full text recognition on documents recursively.


Performs document separation and shows the results in the Document Separation Results window.

Ctrl + F9

Performs a separation benchmark.


Performs classification on selected documents.

Shift + F5

Performs classification on documents recursively.


Performs extraction on selected documents of the selected class using the field and locator definition of this class.

Shift + F6

Performs extraction on documents of the selected class recursively.


Performs classification and extraction on selected documents.

Shift + F7

Performs classification and extraction on documents recursively.


Opens the Edit Training Document window when a document from the Extraction Set is selected. You can then edit the document.

Ctrl + F10

Opens the Edit Training Document window when a document from a test set is selected. You can then add the document to the Extraction Set.


Navigates to the previous document in a batch.

Ctrl + F11

Tests a content related runtime script event.


Tests a content related runtime script event.


Opens the Script Code window.

Important This shortcut key only works outside the Script Code window.

Ctrl + Pause

Opens the Script Code window and breaks the script if executed.

Important This shortcut key only works outside the Script Code window.