Cursive Page Recognition Profile Settings window

You can use this window to set the properties for the cursive page recognition profile.

Important The Cursive Page Recognition engine is licensed separately. See the Kofax TotalAgility Installation Guide for more information.

This group enables you to select one of the supported languages for cursive handwriting. The value for this option is set to English (US) by default.


This group has the following option:

Dictionary file

This group enables you to use a dictionary to look for matching entries that may improve recognition results. The dictionary file must be a .txt file and have ANSI encoding. Unicode and UTF encoding are not supported.

The value for this option is set to <none> by default.

The following dictionary features are required:

  • Only the reduced ASCII set within the range of 20 to 127 are supported.

  • For the best results, use uppercase characters in the dictionary.

  • Spaces, underscores, and special characters are not supported.

If any unsupported characters are present in the dictionary file, an error message is displayed showing a list of problem characters.

Word Result Threshold

This group has the following option:

Min. confidence to accept recognizer result

Use this option to set the minimum threshold to ensure confident results are returned. Only results with a confidence higher than or equal to this percentage are returned. The value for this option is set to 30 by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.