Add custom sentiments

If you want to add a word or phrase to the sentiment dictionary, or modify the sentiment value of an existing word or phrase, you can do this by following these steps:

  1. On the Project Tree, click on the Project Project Tree - Project icon node.

    The properties of the project are displayed, including a link to the location of the project file.

  2. Click on the Project path.

    A Windows Explorer window opens to the location of your project.

  3. If it does not already exist, create the following folder structure.


    Where <language> is the two-character code for the language that you are using.

  4. Copy \Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Kofax\Salience6.4\<language>\salience\sentiment\general.hsd to the path in the previous step.
  5. Edit the general.hsd file as needed by adding the new word or phrase on a new line, in the correct alphabetic order, using the following format.

    Word or Phrase<tab>Value between -1 and 1.

  6. Save the dictionary file.
  7. Click on the class in the Project Tree the class to view its Details and then click Stop Engine.

    This stops the NLP engine so that the next time it is needed, it starts on-demand and loads your updated general.hsd file.

  8. Test some documents to ensure that the resulting sentiment values match your changes.