OmniPage Page Recognition Profile Settings window

You can use this window to set the properties for the OmniPage full page recognition. The following options are available for configuration.


This group enables you to select one or more languages. You can combine any languages. Only the English language is selected by default.

As you select additional languages, the language count in the header increases. Not all languages are visible and this ensures that you are aware that some languages lower down in the list are selected.

General Settings

This group has the following options:

Word separation characters

Use this field to define what characters may separate words.

The value for this option is set to /:()-# by default.

Note For Chinese and Japanese characters, the separation characters defined above, or a space must be present at the end of a character, in order for it to be recognized as a word. Sequential characters with no spaces or separation characters are not recognized as individual words.
Recognition mode

Select the Recognition mode from the following values.

  • Fast.

    Select this option to prioritize speed of recognition over the recognition accuracy. If you select this option, the recognition process takes less time, but the overall recognition accuracy may decrease.

  • Balanced.

    Select this option to balance the priority of the recognition accuracy with the speed of recognition.

    This is the default value for this option.

  • Accurate.

    Select this option if you want to prioritize the recognition accuracy over the speed of recognition. If you select this option, the recognition process takes longer.

Image transfer mode

Choose how images are transferred for this recognition method. You can choose between the following values.

  • Memory.

    Select this value to use the binary image that is already stored in memory. This is the default value for this option.

  • File.

    Select this value to provide the file path so that it can be accessed directly by the recognition engine. If this option is selected, the user cannot perform any image pre-processing via script.

    Note When File is selected for Image transfer mode, the OmniPage page profile cannot be used for the Mixed Print page profile. If an OmniPage page profile is already used by a Mixed Print page profile, then selecting the File transfer mode removes that OmniPage page profile from the corresponding Mixed Print profile, and an error message is displayed.

    A Mixed Print page profile is not able to process images when their image transfer mode is file-based. This is because in mixed recognition, two images are created in memory, one for each recognition print type configured in the Mixed Print page profile.


This group has the following options:

Language dictionary

Select to run spell checking during recognition for all of the following languages.

  • Brazilian
  • Catalan
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Esperanto
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish
User dictionary

Select this option to specify your own dictionary that is used to aid spell checking during recognition. It is important to know that a misspelled word in the recognition results is not always replaced with a corresponding entry from a user dictionary.

Once selected, browse to select a dictionary.

Note User dictionaries are not supported for the following list of languages.
  • Arabic

  • Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)

  • Hebrew

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Thai

  • Vietnamese

The value for this option is set to None by default.

Business terms dictionary

Select to use a dictionary and then select a business terms dictionary from the list. This dictionary can improve spell checking during recognition using the contents of the selected dictionary. The following dictionaries containing business terms are available. If there is not a suitable option here, use the User dictionary option above and specify your own list of terms.

  • English Financial Dictionary

  • Dutch Medical Dictionary

  • English Medical Dictionary

  • French Medical Dictionary

  • German Medical Dictionary

  • Dutch Legal Dictionary

  • English Legal Dictionary

  • French Legal Dictionary

  • German Legal Dictionary

The value for this option is set to None by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.