Named Entity Locator

Named Entity Locator icon The Named Entity Locator is used to assign extracted entities to fields.

Named entities are text grouping such as a people, places, organizations, roles, times, amounts, etc. These named entities are found in unstructured, natural language text like sentences found in emails, documents, or even a report, to name a few.

Because this type of data is difficult to extract with other locators unless you have a known set of criteria to search for, such as a database with people names, this is where the Named Entity Locator comes in. It is able to extract data based on its grammatical placement in a document.

If you need to extract more than one type of entity, a separate Named Entity Locator is required for each entity type.

Once the entities are extracted, a customized script is needed to interpret the entities. For more information on scripting, refer to the Help for Kofax TotalAgility Scripting.

When configuring a Named Entity Locator, the biggest decision is how much information you want. If you are interested in the entity name only, use a simple field, as this is the only information returned. If you want to know the entity name, entity type, confidence, and sentiment of a document, use a table field.

The Properties of Named Entity Locator window has the following tabs that enable you to configure the extracted entities.