Table field details

The field details are displayed when a table field Project Tree - Field iconProject Tree - Table Field icon is selected in the Project Tree.

The following options are available.

Important Only Table Locator, Line Item Matching Locator, and Standard Evaluator locator methods support table fields.

This group has the following options:


The locator method for the selected table field is displayed here. A clickable link enables you to open the locator details. The value for this option is set to <none> by default.

You can select a different locator method if desired, but this then affects the extraction settings already configured for your field.

Table model

Choose a table model from the list. You can create table models in the Project Settings - Tables tab. The value for this option is set to <none> by default.

After the table model is selected, the table columns are populated.


This group has the following options:

Table sum column

Select a table column from the list if you want to calculate the sum of the cells for that column. This is commonly used to calculate the sum of all line items total value in an invoice table. The value for this option is set to <no table sum> by default.

Important You need to select amount formatters in the column settings that determine that the cell values are double values.
Allow empty tables

Select the check box if a table on a document may be empty. By default it is not selected. This option is cleared by default.

Reread Options

This group has the following options:

Minimum confidence to accept reread result

The minimum confidence value is used for all columns that have rereading enabled. The value for this option is set to 70 by default.

Recognition Profiles

Click this button to open the Project Settings - Recognition tab window to change the settings of an existing profile or to add additional profiles.