Toolbar in the Documents window

In the Documents window a toolbar is present that can vary depending on document set that is selected. The following buttons are available:

Option Name and Description Document Set Type

Open Document Set icon

Open Document Set

The Open Document Set window is displayed so you can add a document set to your project.


Recent Documents

Recent Document Sets

Displays a list of recently opened document sets for quick access. Alternatively, you can attach a test or benchmark document set to your project so that this document set is displayed automatically when you open the project.


Reload Document Subset icon


Reloads the last saved state of the selected document subset and discards any unsaved changes.

Classification Set

Extraction Set

Test Set

Benchmark Set

Refresh New Samples icon


Updates the list of training documents to include any recently added documents.

New Samples

Save Document Set icon

Save Document Set

Saves any changes made to any document set in your project, including any changes to their document subsets.

Classification Set

Extraction Set

Test Set

Benchmark Set

Save icon

Save Selected Documents

Saves any changes made to the selected documents.

Classification Set

Extraction Set

Test Set

Benchmark Set

Edit Document icon

Edit Training Document

Displays the Edit Document window for the selected document.

Extraction Set

Resolve Conflict icon

Resolve Conflicts

Displays the Resolve Conflicts window where you can compare conflicting documents and resolve the conflict by correcting field data.

Extraction Set

Import Documents for Extraction Online Learning icon

This option is dependent on the selected document subset. The value can be any of the following:

Import Documents from Extraction Online Learning

This option is displayed when the Extraction Set or one of its subsets are selected.

This opens the Import Extraction Online Learning Data window to add documents marked for Extraction Online Learning to a defined training directory.

Import Documents from Classification Online Learning

This option is displayed when the Classification Set or one of its subsets are selected.

This opens the Import Classification Online Learning Data window where you can add documents marked for Classification Online Learning to a defined training directory.

Import Documents from Online Learning

This option is displayed but disabled when the selected document subset contains no training documents.

New Samples

Select All icon

Select All

Selects all documents displayed in the view pane for the selected document subset.

Classification Set

Extraction Set

Test Set

Benchmark Set

Test Events icon

Runtime Script Events

Tests a selected application and content related event.

Test - Configure Batch Events icon Configure

Displays the Runtime Script Events window, where you can configure and test runtime script events. See the Scripting Help for more information about these script events.

Test Set

Documents Window - Flat View icon

List View

Displays the selected document set or document subset as a list of flat, stand-alone documents.


Documents Window - Hierarchy View icon

Hierarchy View

Displays the selected document subset as a hierarchy. This view is only available for test sets or benchmark sets when the <All Documents> subset is selected.

Classification Set

Extraction Set

Test Set

Benchmark Set

Documents Window - Thumbnails View icon

Thumbnail View

Displays the selected document set or document subset as a list of thumbnails.


Choose Details icon

Choose Details

Displays the Choose Details window, where you can select the fields you want to display in the List View for the selected document subset.

Test Set

Benchmark Set


Document Filter

You can minimize the number of displayed documents by selecting a filter or defining a custom filter. A filter removes all but those documents that match your filter criteria from the list.
